Review: Red Sonja

(Dynamite – 2017)

Writer: Amy Chu

Illustrator: Carlos Gomez

Colorer: Mohan

Letterer: Simon Bowland

Hey everyone. I’m coming back at you with Red Sonja # 1. So let’s jump in.

Not being too familiar with the comic series, I got to read this comic as a blank slate. And that was kind of fun. As a new reader, I was able to leave this issue excited to see what comes next, and can’t wait for issue number two. But getting there was a little bit of a rollercoaster ride. Continue reading

Review: Hot Damn #1

(IDW 2016)

Writer: Ryan Ferrier

Illustrator: by Valentin Ramon

Editor: David Hedgecock

Publisher: Ted Adams

I love mythology.  I’ve studied it in school as well as on my own. One of the aspects of mythology that I have always found interesting is the Underworld. Continue reading

Review: Justice League vs. Teen Titans

(DC Universe Original Movie 2016)

Directed by Sam Liu

Screenplay by Alan Burnett and Bryan Q. Miller

In March 1960 the world saw their favorite heroes combine on the pages of Brave and the Bold #28 to form the “Justice League of America.” Together, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, and Aquaman – Batman and Superman were otherwise engaged – worked together to stop the alien Starro. From that moment on, the Justice League was known as the world’s greatest heroes.  Continue reading

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Kyle Higgins

Illustrated by Hendry Prasetya

Colors by Matt Herms

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is back, and the second issue is just as strong as the first, maybe even stronger. Jumping right in with its theme of “Who am I?” the comic starts off with Billy, the Blue Ranger, and Trini, the Yellow Ranger, working on the Dragon Zord. Continue reading

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Writer: Kyle Higgins

Illustrator: Hendry Prasetya

Color: Matt Herms

Letterer: Ed. Dukeshire

On August 28, 1993 children all over America, including three-year-old me, sat glued in front of the television as the Power Rangers formed for the very first time. I watched the show for years and had all things Yellow Ranger. And even after I had stopped watching, the show stayed with me throughout my life, which is why I was so excited to do this review. Continue reading

Review: Wynonna Earp #1

(IDW 2016)

Writer: Beau Smith

Art: Lora Inne

Colors: Jay Fotos

Letters: Robbie Robbins

Editor: Carlos Guzman

Publisher: Ted Adams

Lets talk about Wynonna Earp, and I’m not talking about the Syfy TV show airing on April 1st. I’m talking about the re-launched comic by IDW.  Wynnona Earp is a comic that is a relatable comic that is a must read. Continue reading

Review:Snowfall #1

(Image 2016)

Written by Joe Harris

Art by Martin Morazzo

Colors by Kelly Fitzpatrick

Letters by Michael David Thomas

Design by Tom Muller

Well everyone, I’m back and bringing you a story that has never been so real. The weather across the country has been all over the place from blizzards at the beginning of the week to shorts and a t-shirts by week’s end; the country’s weather has people wondering what this means for the future of the world. Continue reading

Review: Chaos! Holiday Special 2014

(Chaos! Comics, 2015)

Evil Ernie: X-Mas Special
Written by Steven Seeley
Art by Juanan Ramierez


The Chosen in: Slicing Sammy The Snowman
Written by Michael Moreci
Art by Rod Rodolfo

Let The Blood Flow
Written by Steve Seeley
Art by Carlos Reno
Colors by Rhovel Yumel
Letters by Marchall Dillon

The Chaos Holiday Special 2014 takes three classic Christmas stories/songs, and gives them a chaotic twist (pun intended). The first of the three stories is Evil “Ernie: X-Mas Special.” This story is modeled after the children’s story “The Night Before Christmas” by Clement Clarke Moor. And just like it’s inspiration,  “Evil Ernie: X-Mas Special” takes place the night before Christmas – and that is where the similarities end. Rather than following a family asleep, waiting for Santa Clause, this story takes place at the North Pole as Santa mentally prepares himself for his big day.  And since this is a Chaos story, the Santa we all know and love isn’t at all what we are used to. You see, Santa isn’t fat but built. Mrs. Clause isn’t old, but a sexy red head who can “…think of a few thing to help you [Santa] sleep.”  As the title informs, Evil Ernie shows up and the fight that follows isn’t what you would think of at all.  And the elves that come to help – well never-mind, I can’t give all the fun away. But take my word for it, its great!  Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Mercy Thompson: Hopcross Jilly’ #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Patricia Briggs & Rik Hoskin
Illustrated by Tom Garcia
Color Artwork by Mohan
Lettered by Bill Tortolini

Well everyone, I’m back – and jumping in with a great comic for you. Based off the book series of the same name and author (Briggs), Mercy Thompson is a refreshing new story line for the comic book universe. The world in which Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Dejah of Mars’ #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Mark Rahner
Illustrated by Jethro Morales
Colored by Salvatore Aiala Studios
Lettered by Marshall Oillon

I don’t know how much John Carter experience you have reader, but I myself haven’t had too much, but I plan on changing that soon (i.e. reading the Edgar Burroughs 1911 book series). Well, that is if Dejah is anything like her comic. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Captain Action Cat’ #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Writer & Artist: Art Baltazar
Writers: Franco & Chris “Zod” Smits

All right, reader, I’ve been sitting on this review for a few days now, because honestly I have no idea how to react to this comic.  Part of me wants to say, “That was a cool comic” and the other part wants to yell “Yikes” and I end up stuck in the middle not picking a side. And since I haven’t been able to pick a side, we’re just going to have to talk about both. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Red Sonja and Cub’ One Shot

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Jim Zub
Art by Jonathan Lau
Colors by Stefani Renee
Letters by Simon Bowland
Cover by Jeffery “Chamba” Cruz

Like most stand alone issues, “Red Sonja and Cub” offered a nice break from the main comic along with an interesting story to read.  The focus of this story isn’t so much our heroine, but the “cub,” and teaches us that there are many different kinds of warriors. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Real Heroes’ #1

(Image Comics, 2014)

Created, Written, & Drawn by Bryan Hitch
Inked by Paul Neary
Colored by Laura Martin
Lettered by Chris Eliopoulos
Production by Drew Gill

Well, reader, what can I say about Real Heroes… How about you will never see it coming? Now I’m sure you’re saying, “See what coming?” How about everything? Real Heroes #1 is filled with so many twists and turns at times it was hard to keep up. Ultimately though, it has a great cliff hanger ending that makes you wish Issue #2 was out already. I don’t want to give away too much of the story line, or you will miss out on all the fun of being caught off guard. But I definitely want to talk about the importance of what this comic entails – and that would be none other than the title of this comic.

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