Review: Wynonna Earp #1

(IDW 2016)

Writer: Beau Smith

Art: Lora Inne

Colors: Jay Fotos

Letters: Robbie Robbins

Editor: Carlos Guzman

Publisher: Ted Adams

Lets talk about Wynonna Earp, and I’m not talking about the Syfy TV show airing on April 1st. I’m talking about the re-launched comic by IDW.  Wynnona Earp is a comic that is a relatable comic that is a must read.

Now I know you are going “a comic about zombies, vampires, and every other mystic creature under the sun can’t possibly be relatable,” but two words: Wynnona Earp. 

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 10.42.15 AMWynnona Earp is a character that all of us could relate to at one point in time. Not only is she a kickass woman (which is my favorite type of heroine), but a woman on a journey. And no, I’m not talking about the journey to take out the vampire crime lord, but the journey of life. As cheesy as that sounds.

Wynnona is young, likely in her 20s, and is still trying to find her place in the world. Coming out of her father’s shadows, Wynnona is a trigger-happy agent of the U.S. Marshals Black Badge Division and is being recommended for anger management classes.  As we follow Wynnona as she tracks down Mars Del Rey, leader of the demon cannibals, we see Wynnona as she struggles to see the line between good, evil, and her place in the battle. We see as she struggles to understand why civilian sacrifices have to be made, and why she can’t shoot paranormals’ first and ask questions later.

Now we all might not be trying to find our place in the battle of good vs. evil, we have all searched and questioned our place in the world. Whether it is as a child learning to make friends, a young adult discovering his/her independence from his/her parents, an adult trying to climb the corporate latter, or anything in between; at some point in life we have asked “Where do I belong?” And when you take away all the monsters, guns, and being a secrete agent of sorts, Wynnona Earp is a young woman trying to find her place in the world. And that is why the comic is so great.

Screen Shot 2016-03-01 at 10.42.29 AMWynnona  Earp shows us our life struggles in a way that’s not only fun, but shows the importance of our life struggles. And weather we like to admit it or not, our life struggles are important – just look at the pages of Wynnona Earp. Seriously though, go pick up this comic, because you won’t be disappointed.

AliCardaropoli-profile-pic-2Ali is a creative writer with an emphasis on Sci-Fi/Fantasy and Comic Books. She first fell in love with superheroes when they were used to teach her to read. When not practicing at her dojo or out seeing the latest superhero movie with her friends, Ali can be found curled up on the couch with her dog and a good book.

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