REVIEW: ‘All-New Doop’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Peter Milligan
Art by David Lafuente
Color Art by Laura Allred
Lettering by Clayton Cowles
Cover Art by Michael & Laura Allred
Variant Cover Art by Adi Granov

Throughout the midst of the entire Marvel Universe, there are some very peculiar characters that only surface every so often. One of those is none other than Doop. He is nothing more than a fun, little green floating orb that struggles with communicating and is best friends with Wolverine. The world should love Doop, but he is often misunderstood and unappreciated.

Doop’s powers throughout his comic history have included everything from super strength to flight and regeneration, but he also has the skill of traveling through time and space. Some of his other powers that I find quite hilarious are his ability to eat pretty much anything and take the severest of beatings. While these powers are exciting, nothing is more powerful than his love for the ladies.

This issue from Peter Milligan follows Doop as he works frantically to communicate his undying love for Kity Pryde. The story takes place during the Battle of the Atom series, so if one is unfamiliar with this series, there is a chance they will be lost in Doop #1. In a “doopshell”, Battle of the Atom is the X-Men from the future coming to the present to send the X-Men from the past back to where they belong.

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Doop does not interfere with this at all, but he strategically finds himself in the most opportune place to deliver a love letter to the headmistress of the Jean Grey School for Higher Learning. Kity passes it off by placing the letter in her back pocket only to be forced by Doop to revisit it later. Unfortunately for Doop, his biggest problem is his lack of language skills and Kity has no idea what the little green fella wants from her.

I love the art in this issue and David Lafuente draws Doop as the sweetest little mutant. Other depictions of him usually come off as grotesque and unappealing, but there is something about the way that he draws Doop’s eyes that give him a humble look. The climax of this issue comes towards the end when a new characteristic of Doop that has never been seen before is unveiled. All I will spoil is that it leaves Kity Pryde speechless.

This issue was good, but not great. It seems that Doop jumps around a bit too much and not being familiar with the Battle of the Atom story arc made me feel lost. What I do appreciate is that Doop now has his own title. How long this will last is up to the creative staff to redirect their vision slightly. If done right, I believe that Doop could bring the same comedic value to comics much like the Deadpool series already does.

My hope is that Doop #1 will also spur Marvel to bring back some of the other lost characters and give them their own titles. I’d love a standalone comic series with Puck, the swashbuckling soldier of fortune or have Patsy Walker, Hellcat back in her own series. Who wouldn’t want to read Needle (a mute tailor) or The Matador (exactly what his name says) in their own series? The options are truly limitless with the Marvel NOW books, so I say Marvel show us what you’ve got. Until then, pick up this issue of Doop and find out what the little green goo of goodness is getting into.

Check out to see where you can find Doop #1 near you.



Galen is a Graphic Designer in Wake Forest, NC. He is the husband of a wonderful Oklahoma girl and dad of a future Marvel Comics fan. He enjoys comic-related anything, the Boston Red Sox and sharpening his axe for the zombie apocalypse.



2 thoughts on “REVIEW: ‘All-New Doop’ #1

    • Yeah hopefully not! Doop is just the best and always welcomed in my reading list. This one definitely has potential. Next we just need a Doop movie, voice over by Bruce Willis.

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