Review: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong #1

(Valiant 2016)

Writer – Rafer Roberts

Penciler – David Lafuente

Inker – Ryan Winn

Colorist – Brian Reber

Letterer – Dave Lanphear

I’ve heard for years about how great Valiant comics are.  For a kid who grew up in the 80’s, and who learned to love comics “the Marvel way”, these books were always ones that I bypassed.  It wasn’t anything agains the books themselves, it was just a preconceived notion that big two books were better.  In later years, I found that there were other companies that were making good books, sometimes great books.  And now we’ve come to a time when the market share, though by no means equal, has begun to tip in the favor of indie books.  Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘All-New Doop’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Peter Milligan
Art by David Lafuente
Color Art by Laura Allred
Lettering by Clayton Cowles
Cover Art by Michael & Laura Allred
Variant Cover Art by Adi Granov

Throughout the midst of the entire Marvel Universe, there are some very peculiar characters that only surface every so often. One of those is none other than Doop. He is nothing more than a fun, little green floating orb that struggles with communicating and is best friends with Wolverine. The world should love Doop, but he is often misunderstood and unappreciated. Continue reading