REVIEW: ‘Night of the Living Deadpool’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Review by Galen Garner

Written by Cullen Bunn
Artwork by Ramon Rosanas
Lettering by Joe Sabino

Who loves zombies? Who loves the Merc with a Mouth? I do! I do! Despite the horrors and hatred of Marvel by zombie aficionado Robert Kirkman, the comic juggernaut has delivered a masterfully fun mini-series in Night of the Living Deadpool.
Recently at the Image Expo, Kirkman had the tenacity to blast Marvel for destroying the comic industry. This coming from a guy that has exploited every layer of the comic book world with television, video games, and merchandizing with his famed The Walking Dead series. Deadpool would happily chop Kirkman’s head off and make him watch small zombie children chew on his entrails.
Is that a little too graphic? Well, so is Night of the Living Deadpool. This wonderful black and white comic with the exception of Deadpool’s vibrant redness delivers everything that one would expect in a comic with such a title. Deadpool finds himself overcoming a Mexican-food induced coma while the rest of the world has experienced the zombie apocalypse.
The twist in Collen Bunn’s tale is quite fun. Zombies talk and they desire to die! When Deadpool discovers this, he relieves the tension of many zombie foes by removing their heads for them. The setting of this tale takes place in New York City and Deadpool wonders the streets until he finally comes face-to-face with other human survivors. He seeks out information as to why none of the other superheroes have responded to the madness. To his surprise, he finds out that his love for guacamole and taco has quite possibly left him as the last of the world’s heroes.
I absolutely love this book and the art by Ramon Rosanas is superb. If you are looking for a 15-minute laugh then be sure to pick up this one the next time you are in your local comic store or at This is a four-part series that will hopefully bring some of our beloved superheroes against the swords of Deadpool. I would love to see Cyclops or Ant-Man slaughtered as zombies. I salute Marvel for publishing stuff like this because I love knowing they will make money off of the road already paved by the Kirkmans and Romeros of the world.
Follow Galen Garner on Twitter:  @bamaredsox

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