Column: State of the Marvel U. The Deadpool Edition

By Shawn Warner

With the release of the much clamored for Deadpool movie just days away Marvel has been whetting our collective appetites for all things Deadpool for quite some time now. There has been a deluge of mini-series, one-shots, on-goings, variant covers and team-ups all featuring the Merc with the Mouth hitting the racks consistently since well before the idea of a Deadpool movie was ever considered even the most remote possibility; now that it is a reality, Marvel has ramped up the frequency of seeing Deadpool in multiple books on the weekly basis by tenfold. Continue reading

REVIEW: Deadpool #250

(Marvel Comics, 2015)

Written by Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn, Various
Art by Mike Hawthorne, Various
Inks by Terry Pallot
Colors by Jordie Bellaire

Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn have spent their entire run bringing us the comedy and the drama that have been Deadpool’s existence in the Marvel Universe for the past 44 issues or so, give or take an annual or a digital first limited series, Continue reading

REVIEW: Deadpool #39

(Marvel Comics 2014)

Writers – Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn

Pencils – Mike Hawthorne and Mirko Colak

Colors – Ruth Redmond

This is the final Axis tie-in issue of Deadpool so not surprisingly there are lots of resolved plot lines to be found, however not all of them are directly related to the Axis event. Deadpool has been a very busy young man; there’s his recent marriage, his newly discovered daughter and his rescued North Korean friends, the mutant/clone Faux Men all vying for his time and attention. So as you can see the effects of the inversion spell and his subsequent re-emergence on the scene as Zenpool is just one item on a laundry list of life altering events for our mouthy Merc to contend with. Series co-writers Gerry Duggan and Brian Posehn have taken the character into uncharted areas and explored Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Hawkeye vs. Deadpool’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Gerry Duggan
Artwork by Matteo Lolli
Color Artwork by Cris Peter

Gerry Duggan has been methodically carving out a section of the Marvel Universe where inventive storytelling, razor sharp dialog and engrossing plots are the order of the day, of course they are all served with a side of side-splitting humor just to make the whole thing all the more delicious. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Deadpool’ #35

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Brian Posehn & Gerry Duggan
Pencils by Mike Hawthorne
Inks by Terry Pallot
Color Artwork by Jordie Bellaire

This series has been one of my favorites since the very first issue. As any long-time Deadpool fan can attest, our beloved Merc with the Mouth has certainly had more than his share of ups and downs, and boy were some of those downs bad. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Stray Bullets: Killers’ #2

(Image Comics / El Capitan, 2014)

Written, Drawn, & Lettered by David Lapham

David Lapham is one of the most versatile writers working in comicbooks today. His work runs the gamut from super hero stories to extremely poignant human drama but the one element that all of his writing has is common is great character development; perhaps best known for his Stray Bullets series or his substantial contribution to the Avatar schlock horror/porn series Crossed, Lapham has also brought his uniquely human narratives to some of the most iconic super heroes Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Ash and the Army of Darkness’ Annual #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Shannon Eric Denton
Art by Nacho Tenorio
Colors by Isa Santiago
Letters by Bill Tortolini
Cover by Dennis Calero

I grew up on The Army of Darkness. Along with Mel Brooks movies, it was one that I could quote at random and was constantly dropping phrases from into conversation. (Needless to say “gimme some sugar baby” didn’t get a lot of positive response…must’ve been a context thing.) Sam Raimi’s third in the Evil Dead trilogy has always been one of my favorites.

Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Moon Knight” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Warren Ellis
Artwork by Declan Shalvey
Color Artwork by Jordie Bellaire
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

To me, Moon Knight has always been Marvel’s Batman, or at least the closest approximation to the Dark Knight they had to offer. In the hands of the right creative team, like for instance Bendis and Maleev, Moon Knight is definitely worthy of the comparison Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Superior Foes of Spider-Man’ #7

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Nick Spencer
Artwork by Rich Ellis
Color Artwork by Lee Loughridge

If you thought that a series as imaginative and original as Superior Foes, based on the misadventures of some of the Marvel Universe’s wackiest D-list miscreants must have some pretty interesting and down-right guffaw inducing origin stories, you would be absolutely correct. Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: CORY THRALL

BEST OF 2013
with Cory Thrall

When I started this crazy thing called Bag & Bored I was looking for something to kill some time and have some fun with.  Nothing big, no readership – just silly meanderings on whatever comics I had read that week.  Consider my surprise that here we are over a year later and with quite a cast of reviewers and writers on our team.  One of the major pay-offs with this site has been Continue reading

REVIEW: “Nova” #11

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Gerry Duggan
Pencils by Paco Medina
Inks by Juan Viasco
Color Artwork by David Curiel

Gerry Duggan takes over for Zeb Wells as series writer with this issue. However Duggan made his Nova debut in last issue’s 100th appearance special, writing something of a prelude to this first arc and giving Continue reading

REVIEW: “Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe” #2

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Christopher Hastings
Artwork by Jacopo Camagni
Cory Artwork by Matt Milla

I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the first issue of this mini-series that I requested to review #2 and after reading it, boy am I sorry I did. It seems that everything I liked so much about the first issue has dissipated and what remains is an inconsistent story with awkward looking art that at times borders on amateurish try-out level pages. Continue reading