‘The Couch Nerd’ with Galen Garner, Episode 3


Ladies and Gentleman! With great news comes great responsibility. That is exactly what is on the plate now for the likes of Marvel Television and Netflix. The two corporate giants have decided to team up for what will be four new television shows leading up to a mini-series of The Defenders. The four shows will be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage.

A Marvel press release stated, “This deal is unparalleled in its scope and size, and reinforces our commitment to deliver Marvel’s brand, content and characters across all platforms of storytelling. Netflix offers an incredible platform for the kind of rich storytelling that is Marvel’s specialty,” said Alan Fine, President of Marvel Entertainment. “This serialized epic expands the narrative possibilities of on-demand television and gives fans the flexibility to immerse themselves how and when they want in what’s sure to be a thrilling and engaging adventure.”

This is a huge announcement for Marvel Television and Netflix that will surely result in massive subscriptions from Marvel Comics fans. Personally, I feel that this is a great decision and I also think it is a little ridiculous. I have loved the recent surge in comic-related television and movies, but at some point is there a too much? That is the looming question that I keep bouncing around in my brain.

I love what the CW has done with Arrow and I enjoy what ABC has done with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (even with the lack of character development until this past week). I think that DC is getting a little carried away with the new Gotham television show that it intends to launch next year that focuses on the cops of Gotham City. I really hope that Marvel isn’t making a bad decision here with this Defenders deal. I just don’t know how I feel about The Defenders. I would almost much rather see something focused around Avengers Academy or even the Inhumans. Now that would be an awesome television show right there!!

Regardless, I will probably end of watching every single episode and loving every minute of it. There isn’t much new other than what we have reported so far. These shows are slotted for 2015 and are currently listed as “In Development”, so I believe that it would be safe to say that they will fall into the Phase 3 section of Marvel Studios.

So, stay excited and always on the edge of your seat because Marvel is about to consume our lives for what looks like the foreseeable future. Also, don’t forget to go see Thor – The Dark World that opens tomorrow in theaters everywhere!


Follow Galen Garner on Twitter:  @bamaredsox

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