Review: Luke Cage Season 1

(Marvel Studios – 2016)

Summary: Eight years after the Hulk battled the Abomination on the streets of Harlem the neighborhood has rebuilt and now Luke Cage – first seen in Jessica Jones – finds himself caught within yet another battle for the streets. Except instead of it being two giant green monsters, it’s a gang war for power and control of Harlem. He has indestructible skin and he’s super strong, but can Cage find within himself the strength he needs to take crime head on? When the bodies hit the floor he may have to force himself to fight whether he likes it or not…

[SPOILERS!! – And strong language.] Continue reading

Review: Daredevil Season 2

(Marvel Studios 2016)

Summary: With the body count in Hell’s Kitchen suddenly rising, namely made up of several well-known gangs of New York, Daredevil must track down the newest vigilante on the scene and stop him from killing anymore. But that’s the least of his worries when his old flame, Elektra, returns seeking help in matters of her own. Caught between two wars the curtain over Hell’s Kitchen begins to fall as  Daredevil’s destiny becomes clear… Continue reading

‘The Couch Nerd’ with Galen Garner, Episode 3


Ladies and Gentleman! With great news comes great responsibility. That is exactly what is on the plate now for the likes of Marvel Television and Netflix. The two corporate giants have decided to team up for what will be four new television shows leading up to a mini-series of The Defenders. The four shows will be Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Iron Fist, and Luke Cage. Continue reading