Review: Triggerman #2

(Hard Case Crime/Titan Comics – 2016)

Original Story by Walter Hill

Adapted by Matz

Art by Jef

Translated by Edward Gauvin

“Story so far…serving a life sentence for his violent criminal past, mafia gunman, Roy ‘Triggerman’ Nash, finds himself abruptly free from his prison cell and tasked with one final job, but all this straight-shooting mobster really cares about is Lena Dorsey, the woman he was forced to leave behind…” Continue reading

Review: Hard Case Crime Twofer

(Hard Case Crime/ Titan Comics- 2016)

If you’ve never heard of a “twofer” before I apologize.  In the cannon of my youth, that was a great deal, a “two-for-one”.  Although you have to purchase these books seperately, I’ve reviewed them together…such a deal…and you’ll want to go out and get them anyway.  Titan Comics has partnered with noir publisher Hard Case Crime to showcase new and old crime stories. It’s a move that can only benefit both companies and I had a chance to look through their first two releases,Triggerman and Peepland, on sale on October 5 and October 12 respectively.  After reading both of these firsts…holy crap…these are great crime books, and that entails all you might think as far as content. Continue reading

BagandBored Previews: Fall 2016

by Brad Gischia

One of the worst feelings for a steady consumer of funny books is to walk into your lcs and hear the buzz generated by a new book and to have absolutely no idea what’s going on.  Here at Bagandbored we’re going to try and give you a heads up on new books that are coming down the pipe so you can adjust your pull list  accordingly.  “But that’s why I grab Previews” you say.  I can’t count the number of times I’ve still missed books, because, like it as much as I do, Previews is a beast of a magazine that I can’t peruse in a timely manner.  So here are Bag and Bored’s picks for upcoming books. Continue reading

Review: Doctor Who The Ninth Doctor #1

(Titan Comics 2016)

Writer: Caven Scott

Art: Adriana Melo

Colorist: Matheus Lopes

Letterers: Richard Starkings & Comiccraft’s Jimmy Betancourt

Main Cover: Shea Standefer

The ninth Doctor returns, along with companions Rose and former time agent Captain Jack Harkness, in Doctor Who The Ninth Doctor #1, the brand new ongoing series from Titan Comics. While busy setting up temporal beacons on a distant world, the TARDIS intercepts a strange message. Following the transmission back to its source could lead to clues about why Jack’s mind was wiped, but when they arrive on Gharusa Prime the Doctor and his friends are stunned to discover it’s a world where the 9th Doctor has become a celebrity! Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Cap Stone’ #1

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Writer: Liam Sharp & Christina McCormack
Artist: Liam Sharp

Story: The story focuses on Charlie Chance, the daughter to a playboy millionaire and gentleman thief who taught her all the tricks of the trade. As an adult, she’s now given up the lifestyle, but one big secret left behind by her father is about to come to back and haunt her. In the form of the titular character, Cap Stone, who’s suddenly gone missing. Continue reading

REVIEW: Mono #1

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Writer: Liam Sharp
Artist: Ben Wolstenholme

Story: Supposedly based off the true, pulp fiction novellas about Mono, the gentlemanly ape-man, spy and adventurer comes a story where the man was real, and the stories of old were works of “fiction.” To set his tales straight, an old friend of Mono’s revisits his personal journals and through them we get to see what the spy/adventurer/ape-man was really like. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Rage’, Vol.1

(Titan Comics, 2014)

The Rage
Volume One: Zombie Generation
Script by Pierre Boisserie
Art by Malo Kerfriden
Colors by Boubette
Translated by Virginie Selavy

I’m starting to find it difficult to come up with clever quips about the dead walking around.  My store of silly puns is dry, drier than the corpse of Tutankhamen in the middle of an Egyptian July.  There seem to be no end to zombie-based fiction stories, both on the big and small screen, in all kinds of print fiction and comics. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Weirding Willows’ Vol.1

(Titan Comics, 2014)

A1 Presents: The Weirding Willows Volume 1: What the Wild Things Are
Story by Dave Elliott
Line Art by Barnaby Bagenda and Sami Basri
Colors by Sunny Gho, Jessica Kholinne, Sakti Yuwono, Ifansyah Noor, Fahriza Kamaputra, Gloria Caeli
Letters by Imam E. Wibowo

If you’ve been looking to fill that Fables void, if Legenderry is just a little too steampunk for you, than The Weirding Willows may just fit the bill. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Odyssey’ Vol.1

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Odyssey Volume 1: History Lesson
Script – Dave Elliott
Line Art – Garrie Gastonny and Toby Cypress
Additional Inks – Maralti Firmansyah
Color – Sakti Yuwono
Lettering – Imam E. Wibowo

First impressions are key.  It’s been drilled into our heads for years and years, from job interviews to meeting members of the opposite sex.  Always act your best, always look your best, you don’t know what’s coming round the bend.

When reading a new comic, as with meeting new people, it’s sometimes hard to get past that first impression. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Monster Massacre II’

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Written by Various
Artwork by Various
Edited by Dave Elliot

*Suggested for a mature audience…and they ain’t lyin’.

For a long time I didn’t know what kind of music I liked. (Keep reading, this is actually going somewhere in the realm of comics.) I blame my grandpa for this, and not in a bad way. When I was a kid he would wake us with marching band music. Nothing rouses you out of bed at 6 a.m. like the dulcet tones of John Phillip Sousa or K.L. King. Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best Of 2013’: BRAD GISCHIA

BEST OF 2013
with Brad Gischia

I began reviewing comics for about six months ago.  I was so fired up to get into it, but I specified, when I talked to our fearless leader, Cory, that I would be in more than a little bit of a jam when it comes to reviewing books.  I am not near a comic store.  So to get a gig that is so centered on ever changing wall books, or even monthly, well…it wouldn’t be easy. Continue reading

REVIEW: “It Came!” #1

(Titan Comics, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

Created, Written & Illustrated by:  Dan Boultwood, Esq.
Edited by:  Mark McKenzie-Ray, Steve White
Designed by:  Russell Seal

The advertising I saw for this comic listed “Fans of Mystery Science Theater 3000” as the perfect audience for “It Came!”, and I couldn’t agree more. Continue reading