‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’: Episode #24

Greetings once again fellow Gothamites and welcome to the meeting of Bat-Fans we like to call The Weekly Bat Signal, where we the faithful gather to get all the Gotham gossip and converse about our very own caped and cowled crime fighter, The Batman. From Hollywood to the local comic book shops, we uncover all the latest details on The Dark Knight and discuss them in depth here Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’, Episode #23

Hello and welcome fellow followers of The Bat, to another Weekly Bat Signal where we dish all the dirt on the Dark Knight. From the palatial Palisades to creepy Crime Alley, we cover Gotham City better than a roll of yellow police tape. This week we are going to dissect Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’, Episode 19: Year End Wrap-Up

Greetings fellow Gothamites and welcome to the final episode of The Weekly Bat-Signal for 2013. The city is abuzz getting ready to ring in the New Year Gotham style which means lots of garish pageantry and drunken disorderly conduct in the streets, from the lowest of Crime Alley miscreants to the stratosphere of Gotham’s high society the parties will rage on well into the first morning of 2014. Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’ with Shawn Warner, Episode 17

Greetings and apologies fellow Gothamites, I must offer my most sincere request for your forgiveness for my absence last week. It seems even in Gotham the holidays can cause more chaos than a Riddler produced blackout. I tell you my friends that I would rather face The Joker, Killer Croc and Bane than a mob of WalMart Christmas shoppers waiting on queue for a deep discounted 52 inch hi def flat screen television Continue reading

REVIEW: “Batman: the Dark Knight” #25

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Zakk Saam

Written by Gregg Hurwitz
Artwork by Alex Maleev
Color Artwork by Dave McCaig
Lettering by Carlos M. Mangual

Clayface is back in Batman: The Dark Knight #25. While there seems to be an influx of Clayface stories in the past six months, this is one of the better ones in my opinion. In a story carefully crafted by Gregg Hurwitz (Vengeance of the Moon Knight, Penguin: Pain and Prejudice), Clayface has broken out of Arkham Asylum Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’ Episode 19: “Sin City” #1


Sin City #1
(Dark Horse, 1991)
Reprinted in Dark Horse One for One in 2010

Story & Art by: Frank Miller

Greetings from the Wasteland!

There are names in the history of comics that will forever be lauded. Lee, Kirby, Schuster, Kane…and so many more helped to form the foundation of the industry, as we know it today. But atop that foundation there must be a structure, and others moved in to build on it. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Batman: the Dark Knight” Annual #1

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Raymond Jacques

STORY: “Once Upon A Midnight Dreary”
WRITTEN BY:  Gregg Hurwitz
ARTWORK BY:  Szymon Kudranski
LETTERING BY:  Dezi Sienty
COVER:  Alex Maleev

After a pretty undeniably rocky start, the New 52 title: Batman: The Dark Knight, gained creative traction amidst the rubble of what went before and made great strides towards becoming something truly worthwhile & to be looked forward to upon handing the reins to writer Gregg Hurwitz in issue 10 of TDK. Continue reading