Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: KENNETH KIMBROUGH

BEST OF 2013
with Kenneth Kimbrough

As the year closes, it’s time to reflect on the different things that made it great and the other things that made it not so great. I tend to frown on the word “best” mostly because I majored in philosophy and I’m pretentious. So let’s just consider this more or less a “Favorites of 2013” list. Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’ with Brad Gischia, Episode 16


Detective Comics #603
(DC Comics, 1989)

Writer – Alan Grant
Pencils – Norm Breyfogle
Inks – Steve Mitchell
Colors – Arienne Roy
Letters – Todd Klein

Greetings from the Wasteland!

Detective Comics, before the New 52 re-launch, was one of the two longest running comics series without renumbering.  With that longevity comes a mix of feelings.  Can a series stay fresh when looking at a 700-plus issue run? Continue reading