REVIEW: Toe Tag Riot #4

(Black Mask Studios, 2015)

Created by Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Savanna Ganucheau

We’ve come to the finale. The road to Riot has been bumpy with beheaded bigots, sloppy with salvation, and phantasmagorically fun. Continue reading

REVIEW: Matt Miner Double-Feature TTR#3 and Critical Hit #4

(Black Mask Studios, 2015)

Toe Tag Riot #3
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils, Inks, and Letters by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Savanna Ganucheau

 Critical Hit #4
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Jonathan Brandon Sawyer
Colors by Doug Garbark
Letters by Jim Campbell

Multiple projects. It’s the wish and the curse of every working person. You want to stay busy and at the same time you feel so busy you can’t catch up. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Toe Tag Riot’ #2

(Black Mask Studios, 2014)

Created by Matt Miner and Sean Von Gorman
Written by Matt Miner
Pencils and Inks by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Savanna Ganucheau
Lettered by Sean Von Gorman

Confrontation has never been a place where I’ve felt comfortable.  Who knows the roots?  If my sister is reading this she’ll laugh and nod and say “Yup, that’s our family…”(Test here to see if she really reads these like she says she does…) Perhaps it is some form of latent Catholic guilt, rising up within at the sound of a raised voice, or maybe it’s the years Continue reading

PREVIEW: ‘Toe Tag Riot’

We here at Bag & Bored are excited to announce that two of our favorite creators have returned with yet another earth shaking series.

Matt Miner, writer of the tragic and meaningful protest comic series “Liberator”and the follow-up “Liberator/Earth Crisis: Salvation of Innocents” is back, this time with top notch artist Sean Von Gorman (Pawn Shop, FUBAR, Occupy Comics) to bring us a series that is destined to be as big a hit as it is socially important. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Pawn Shop’ Graphic Novel

(Soup Dad Comics, 2014)

Written By Joey Esposito
Art by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Jonathan Moore (Chap. 2-4), Sean Von Gorman (Chap. 1 and chapter breaks)
Letters by Adam Pruett
Cover by Jonathan Moore

The dedication of the book says it all. “This book is dedicated to the lonely souls haunting New York City.” Pawn Shop was a fully funded Kickstarter project in 2012 that was recently released as a complete graphic novel in February of this year. Inside writer Joey Esposito explores the interconnectedness of people and Continue reading