REVIEW: ‘The Fade Out’ #1

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Ed Brubaker
Artwork by Sean Phillips
Colors by Elizabeth Breitweiser

There are people who are good at a certain thing, and there are those who are able to perfect an art form.  Ed Brubaker (need I list his accomplishments?), writer of great comics Continue reading

THINGS TO COME for January 2014

Things to Come for January 2014
with Kenneth Kimbrough

Welcome to 2014, the year we first get attacked by kaiju and the year when Solid Snake grows a pretty rad stache. As a part of the new year, I’m introducing a feature to the site in which I highlight new releases, reprints, relaunches and just about anything else that tickles me. All of this information can be found in the retailer catalog—PREVIEWS—which your local comic store should carry. Continue reading