REVIEW: ‘Manifest Destiny’ #5

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Chris Dingess
Artwork by Matthew Roberts
Color Artwork by Owen Gieni
Lettering by Pat Brosseau

This series set the bar extremely high with a stellar first issue and has continued to raise that bar with each successive issue. Series creators Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts’ tale of westward expansion meets supernatural horror is a truly ingenious blending of the historic and the horrible. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Mainfest Destiny’ #4

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Chris Dingess
Artwork by Matthew Roberts
Color Artwork by Owen Gieni
Lettering by Pat Brosseau

I never thought a comic book about Lewis and Clark’s historic expedition would up being one of my favorite horror comics ever! I mean sure Lewis and Clark’s exploration makes for some interesting reading but now, thanks to Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts’ phenomenal imaginations Continue reading