FILM REVIEW: ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’


Captain America: The Winter Soldier completely redefines the playing field for what a successful superhero movie should be. Since the creation of Marvel Studios there has never been a better movie than the new saga about America’s illustrious Captain, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Filled with action-packed excitement, heart-wrenching drama, and exceptional visuals, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has completely reset the stage for every superhero movie that will ever follow. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Winter Soldier: the Bitter March’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Roland Boschi
Color Artwork by Chris Chuckry
Lettering by Clayton Clowes

Rick Remender is one of the smartest writers working in comic books today. He tells stories that are steeped in nostalgia yet feel like nothing else we have ever read, it’s a perplexing thing. In Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 Remender melds all the elements Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: CORY THRALL

BEST OF 2013
with Cory Thrall

When I started this crazy thing called Bag & Bored I was looking for something to kill some time and have some fun with.  Nothing big, no readership – just silly meanderings on whatever comics I had read that week.  Consider my surprise that here we are over a year later and with quite a cast of reviewers and writers on our team.  One of the major pay-offs with this site has been Continue reading