Review: Cry Havoc #2

(Image Comics 2016)

Words by Simon Spurrier

Pictures by Ryan Kelly

Inks by Barbara Guttman

Colors by Nick Filardi, Lee Loughridge, and Matt Wilson

Letters by Simon Bowland

“So far…in London, street musician Louise Canton was savaged by a ghostly hound…in Afghanistan she travelled with supernatural soldiers to life the creature’s curse…in the Red Place she’s the captive of the rogue monsters she came to kill.”  That’s issue #1 in a super cool nutshell. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Funrama’ #1- 3

(Self Published, 2014)

Created by Ryan Kelly

I love going blindly forward into a new comic. For the longest time I’ve been a “judge a book by its’ cover” kind of guy (Apologies to Mrs. Paulson, my high school librarian), but in the comic book industry that is generally a good way to stick to stuff you like. Not always though. Indie comics tend to be a whole different can of worms, horse of a different color, choose your metaphor. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Three’ #4

(Image Comics, 2014)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by Kieron Gillen
Artwork by Ryan Kelly
Color Artwork by Jordie Bellaire
Lettering by Clayton Cowles

Issue four of Three finds our heroes still on the run from the forces of Sparta.   Three hundred Spartans and trackers on the trail of three Helots.   Seems fair, right?   Fairness aside, they are coming.   But they are not the only ones. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Three” #3

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Story by Kieron Gillen
Artwork by Ryan Kelly
Color Artwork by Jordie Bellaire
Letters by VC’s Clayton Cowles

Two issues ago our tale began when a smart mouthed Helot tells a true story.  Too bad for him that that truth was one no true Spartan could allow any man to utter.  And as a Helot, drunk or no, Terpander knew it was as good as walking into the path of a charging bull. Continue reading