REVIEW: ‘Butterfly’ #1

(Archaia, 2014)

Story by Arash Amel
Written by Marguerite Bennett
Illustrated by Antonio Fuso
Colored by Adam Guzowski
Lettered by Steve Wands
Cover by Phil Noto

*Major Spoilage…you’ve been warned.

As I’ve gotten more involved with the comic industry, and more vigilant on the entertainment industry as well, I’ve found it easier to watch trends.  Most recently of course we saw Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Secret Avengers’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Ales Kot
Artwork by Michael Walsh
Color Artwork by Matthew Wilson
Lettering by Clayton Clowes

To say Marvel is on a roll would be the understatement of the century; they are not only on a roll, but on a roll that spans film, television and comic books. No other Marvel title ties all of those worlds together better than Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Black Widow’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Nathan Edmondson
Artwork by Phil Noto
Lettering by VC’s Clayton Cowles

Atonement, that’s what Natasha Romanov is seeking in the inaugural issue of her new series. She is seeking ways to make up for the many bad things she has done in her life, professional and private. For Natasha aka Black Widow that usually means Continue reading