REVIEW: ‘Original Sin’ #5

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Jason Aaron
Artwork by Mike Deodato
Color Artwork by Frank Martin Jr.

Jason Aaron steps on the brakes slowing the brisk pace of his revelation filled narrative to just above a crawl in this current issue that trades dynamic character interaction and up-tempo timing for meticulously detailed exposition and historic flashbacks; all in the cause of more fully examining the character of Nicholas J. Fury. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Original Sin’ #4

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Jason Aaron
Artwork by Mike Deodato, Jr.
Color Artwork by Frank Martin, Jr.
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

It seems we have only just collectively recovered from the shock of last issue’s concluding revelation involving Winter Soldier and Nick Fury(?) only to have Jason Aaron blow our minds once more with yet another pulse pounding final page bombshell. We are about midway into Aaron’s complex and compelling murder mystery Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Original Sin’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Jason Aaron
Artwork by Mike Deodato Jr.
Color Artwork by Frank Martin Jr.
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato aren’t messing around; they have hit the ground running in combat boots with the first issue of Original Sin. Mark Waid did a tremendous job of setting the stage with issue #0; not only by constructing a solid foundation for the entire event but Continue reading

FILM REVIEW: ‘Captain America: Winter Soldier’


Captain America: The Winter Soldier completely redefines the playing field for what a successful superhero movie should be. Since the creation of Marvel Studios there has never been a better movie than the new saga about America’s illustrious Captain, Steve Rogers (Chris Evans). Filled with action-packed excitement, heart-wrenching drama, and exceptional visuals, Captain America: The Winter Soldier has completely reset the stage for every superhero movie that will ever follow. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Winter Soldier: the Bitter March’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Roland Boschi
Color Artwork by Chris Chuckry
Lettering by Clayton Clowes

Rick Remender is one of the smartest writers working in comic books today. He tells stories that are steeped in nostalgia yet feel like nothing else we have ever read, it’s a perplexing thing. In Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #1 Remender melds all the elements Continue reading