REVIEW: ‘Penny Palabras’ #1-3

(Self Published, 2014)

Words – James B Willard
Artwork – Patrick K Beavers

The idea of geek culture bleeding into popular culture has been discussed and debated, by comic pros at comic cons, (oh…its early in the week for puns like that, but occasionally I feel inspired) but the fact remains that we as comic collectors have the upper hand right now when it comes to entertainment. Could that result in a flood of bad things? It could, but at the same time there is a flood of good things, great ideas and comics that may not normally see the light of day are given a chance, the spotlight shines where it should.

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REVIEW: ‘Myth’ #1-3

(Alterna Comics, 2013)

Story by Mike Loniewski
Art by Dan Lauer
Letters by E.T. Dollman

Three issues of Myth were sent to me by the creators, and landed on my computer desktop with an imagined “thud”. I’d seen some screen caps of panels from this book. I’d heard that a guy from the site was going to interview them. I was terrified.

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REVIEW: ‘S.H.O.O.T. First’ #1 – 4

(Dark Horse, 2012-2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Story by Justin Aclin
Art by Nicolas Daniel Selma
Colors by Marlac
Lettering by Amanda Aguilar Selma

*Very moderate Spoilers

If you haven’t read S.H.O.O.T First from Dark Horse, you have just enough time to jump in before issue 4 comes out next Wednesday. If you’re looking for a fast paced shoot ‘em up story, dipped heavily in the realm of the science fiction fantastic, than this is the book for you. Continue reading