REVIEW: ‘Original Sin’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Jason Aaron
Artwork by Mike Deodato Jr.
Color Artwork by Frank Martin Jr.
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato aren’t messing around; they have hit the ground running in combat boots with the first issue of Original Sin. Mark Waid did a tremendous job of setting the stage with issue #0; not only by constructing a solid foundation for the entire event but Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Rai’ #1

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Matt Kindt
Art by Clayton Crain
Letters by Dave Panphear

The tech bug was one that didn’t bite me.  I never had a need to know how things worked, never had that wonder when looking at a computer as to how the words I typed showed on the screen.  Facebook and Twitter are a constant mystery to me.  This bewilderment with technology also seems to have extended to my interests in reading Continue reading