Review: Revolution #1

(IDW 2016)
Writers: John Barber & Cullen Bunn
Art: Fico Ossio
Colors: Sebastian Cheng
Letters Tom B Long

Explosive destruction strikes the Earth as the REVOLUTION begins, the battle lines are quickly drawn, and soon the world believes that Optimus Prime and the Transformers are the ones responsible for the chaos. G.I. JOE gathers an elite team of powerful heroes to counteract this new threat, with Action Man and M.A.S.K. fighting to protect the human race – but what role will ROM and the Micronauts play as the conflict unfolds? Continue reading

Review: Micronauts #5

(IDW Publishing -2016)
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Art: Max Dunbar
Colors: David Garcia-Cruz & Ander Zarate
Letters: Tom B. Long

The search for the Time Travelers begins in Micronauts #5, as the threat of the entropy storm closes in. Captain Oziron “Oz’ Rael and his crew are now prisoners of the Force Commander Baron Daigon, but it seems that Oz knows far more about the Pharoids and their connection to the mysterious entities known as the Time Travelers than even his shipmates could have expected, and with Barron Karza about to strike the secrets of past could soon have long lasting repercussions for the Microspace and Earth. Continue reading