REVIEW: “Star Wars” #11

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Zakk Saam

Written by Brian Wood
Artwork by Carlos D’Anda
Color Art by Gabe Eltaeb
Lettering by Michael Heisler

In a galaxy far, far away…

There was non-stop action. Star Wars #11 by Brian Wood (DMZ, Ultimate Comics: X-Men) is a heart pounding ride in a space battle between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance. Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’ with Brad Gischia, Episode 17


What If…#2
“…Daredevil killed the Kingpin?”
(Marvel Comics, 1989)

Writer – Danny Fingeroth
Penciller – Greg Capullo
Inkers – Akin and Garvey
Letterer – Michael Heisler
Colorist – Evelyn Stein

Greetings from the Wasteland

Caution! In order to carefully describe the events herein, I’m going to have to spoil the hell out of a couple of storylines. Fortunately, these are stories that took place in 1989, so if you haven’t read them yet, it shouldn’t affect you too much. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Darth Vader and the Ninth Assassin” #1

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

WRITTEN BY:  Tim Siedell
PENCILS BY:  Stephen Thompson
INKS BY:  Mark Irwin
COLORS BY:  Michael Atiyeh
LETTERS BY:  Michael Heisler

“Star Wars: Darth Vader & the Ninth Assassin” is one of those Star Wars titles that stand out to me.  One, it has Darth Vader (always helpful), and two – it deals with the post-Episode 3 through pre-Episode 4 part of the Star Wars timeline – an era that has captured my attention, especially in more recent times.  I really find the younger Vader a complex and interesting character, even when played down in this first issue – which, sadly, is one of my main gripes about this first issue. Continue reading