Column: The State of the Marvel Universe

By: Shawn Warner

Greetings and salutations True Believers and welcome to another installment of State of the Marvel Universe. For those of you joining us for the first time, I will be acting as your very own Secret Wars correspondent reporting all the latest additions and changes to Marvel’s ever expanding roster of post incursion titles to be included in the status quo obliterating crossover event beginning in May and the resulting fallout of these changes. Sound like a pretty tall order? Well believe me it is. Continue reading

Column: The State of the Marvel Universe

By Shawn Warner

Greetings and salutations fellow True Believers, it’s that time once again when we gather to chart the course to Marvel’s massive Secret Wars, an event so monumental that neither the 616 or the Ultimate Universe will be left standing when all is said and done. This week the masterminds at the House of Ideas announced several more status quo shattering tie-ins and mini-series that you are sure to want to know about; that’s what I am here for, B&B’s own Agent M, to report all the goings on that will ultimately make up the All New Marvel Universe. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Fantastic Four’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by James Robinson
Pencils by Leonard Kirk
Inked by Karl Kesel
Color Artwork by Jesus Aburtov

In the first issue of James Robinson’s Fantastic 4 there is a very obvious shift in tone to darker, somewhat more introspective terrain, particularly in contrast to Matt Fraction’s recently ended run which was much more action/ adventure oriented. The Fantastic Four has a very unique Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Punisher’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Nathan Edmondson
Artwork by Mitch Gerads
Lettering by VC’s Cory Petit

Frank Castle has returned from many things that would keep lesser men dead; he’s been shot, stabbed, bombed, taken more shrapnel than most platoons, he’s been cut apart and put back together as “Frankencastle”.  He’s donned Captain America’s patriotic colors and he has even killed Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Black Science’ #3

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Matteo Scalera
Color Artwork by Dead White
Lettering by Rus Wooton

It is theorized that time is a non-linear entity; the same could be said of Rick Remender’s narrative in the third issue of the mind-blowing pulp science fiction inspired series, Black Science. Remender very adroitly tells a tale of anarchist Grant McKay’s past which Continue reading

BRAIN TRUST: Following Monkeybrain Comics, Episode 2

Edison Rex 1-12 – An Overview
by Brad Gischia

Written by Chris Roberson
Art by Dennis Culver
Colored by Stephen Downer
Lettering by John J. Hill
Released by Monkeybrain Comics

*Limited Spoilers

I often bemoan my proximity to a comic shop. This week I understand that it could actually be a blessing in disguise. If I were in the vicinity of a pull box with my name on it I’m certain as to what titles would be in there. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Inhumanity” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Matt Fraction
Artwork by Olivier Coipel
Inks by Mark Morales
Color Artwork by Laura Martin ‘DePuy’

With Infinity just wrapping up many of you may be reluctant to jump right back into another event but I caution you, please do not miss out on Inhumanity and the major repercussions that are sure to be felt throughout the Marvel Universe Continue reading