REVIEW: ‘All New Invaders’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by James Robinson
Artwork by Steve Pugh
Color Artwork by GURU-eFX
Lettering by Cory Petit

When James Robinson left Earth 2 and effectively severed ties with DC, at least for the foreseeable future, I feared there would be an extended period of time without an on-going title being written by the outspoken and innovative Robinson. So when it was announced that the prolific writer was coming to Marvel I was ecstatic Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: RAYMOND JACQUES

BEST OF 2013
with Raymond Jacques

Greetings, Friends & Fellow Readers. I’m Raymond Jacques (and you’re not).  It has been an amazing opportunity contributing to for the last 8 months or so & this is my contribution to Bag and Bored’s “Best of 2013”. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superman” #22

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Scott Lobdell
ARTWORK BY:  Eddy Barrows, Daniel HDR & Geraldo Borges
INKS BY:  Eber Ferreira
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Peter Pantazis

It seems things have gone from bad to worse for Hector Hammond as the Psi-wars continue in this issue; unfortunately Kenneth Rocafort’s stunning pencils do not. Eddy Barrows, Daniel HDR and Geraldo Borges all contribute fine work to issue #22 but they all lack the refined genius that defines Rocafort’s technique. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Superman Unchained” #1

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Scott Snyder
PENCILS BY:  Jim Lee & Dustin Nguyen
INKS BY:  Dustin Nguyen & Scott Williams

The sky is falling, well not really but the satellites in it sure seem to be falling out of it at an alarming rate. So who else could save the day from such perilous events but Big Blue himself, Superman? Not just any Superman but Superman as brought to us by Batman scribe extraordinaire Scott Snyder and legendary artist Jim Lee, so to say that expectations are high would be beyond an understatement. Continue reading