Review: Yoga Hosers: A Sundance Special

(Dynamite 2016)

Written by Kevin Smith

Illustrated by Jeff Quigley

I’m biased.  That’s the long and short of this interview in one sentence.  But as a writer I’m going to go on and on about this book and it’s creators, trying to convince you to buy it.  Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’, Episode #22

Greetings Gothamites and fellow followers of The Bat, welcome to this week’s installment of The Weekly Bat Signal, where we delve deep into the unseemly underbelly of Gotham City to bring you all the dirt on the Dark Knight, we get to the core of The Caped Crusader or to put it a little Continue reading

REVIEW: “Cryptozoic Man” #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Story by Bryan Johnson & Walter Flanagan
Written by Bryan Johnson
Pencils by Walter Flanagan
Inks by Chris Ivy
Color Artwork by Wayne Jansen

Esoteric, ethereal, supernatural; these are all words I would use to describe the second issue of the wildly imaginative and overly ambitious mini-series co- created by Comic Book Men cast members and Kevin Smith minions; Walter Flanagan and Bryan Johnson.  Unfortunately Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’ with Shawn Warner, Episode 16

Greetings fellow Gothamites, this week we are coming to you from stately Wayne Manor, just 14 short miles northwest of Gotham City down Old North Pass. Lots of news from Hollywood this week on the Batman Versus Superman movie and all the hoopla surrounding the cinematic Bat-Universe in general, some big names weigh in including the most recent Dark Knight Christian Bale as well as avid Bat Fan and one of AMC’s Comic Book Men, director Kevin Smith. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Cryptozoic Man” #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

STORY BY: Walt Flanagan & Bryan Johnson
SCRIPT BY: Walt Flanagan
ARTWORK BY: Walt Flanagan

I first became aware of Cryptozoic Man like most people when Stan Lee was recruited to pitch the idea to Dynamite on an episode of the AMC series Comic Book Men. The premise seemed so outlandish that I really thought it was a scripted part of the show. However Dynamite agreed to publish it and months later I found myself Continue reading