Review: Jim Henson’s The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths Vol. II


Concept, character designs and cover- Brian Froud

Writer- Joshua Dysart

Art- Alex Sheikman and Lizzy John

Letterer- Deron Bennett

Archaia’s The Dark Crystal journey began back in 2011 with a Free Comic Book Day story.  The journey continued, and saw a 3 volume series of prequel stories called The Dark Crystal: Creation Myths be released from 2012 to 2015 in hardback graphic novel editions.  Continue reading

REVIEW: Imperium #1

(Valiant Entertainment, 2015)

Written by Joshua Dysart
Art by Doug Braithwaite
Colors by Brian Reber and Dave McCaig
Letters by Dave Sharpe

Being from a small town, the comics that mainly found my dollar were from the big 2. Once I got older and actually started going to comics shops, it was hard to turn away from those familiar titles and characters, to take a chance on a company that I didn’t recognize, whose books looked so different from what I grew up on. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Harbinger’ #20

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Joshua Dysart
Artwork by Clayton Henry
Color Artwork by Brian Reber

Welcome to “Resistance”.  Leave your secrets at the door.

Over the course of its current run, ‘Harbinger’ has had a very strong ‘Us vs. Them’ vibe.  What began as a simple tale of the possible-hero/maybe-saviour escaping the hard confines of Toyo Harada’a teachings at his Harbinger Foundation has, over time, become so much more.  The vibe remains but it has focused Continue reading

REVIEW: “Harbinger” #11

(Valiant Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Jose Sagastume

WRITER:  Joshua Dysart
ARTISTS:  Khari Evans, Trevor Hairsine
INKER:  Stefano Gaudiano

Harbinger #11 is a continuation of the Harbinger Wars crossover event but is so masterfully written by Joshua Dysart that it doesn’t feel like a tie-in issue at all. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Harbinger” #10

(Valiant Entertainment, 2013)

Reviewed by Cory Thrall

WRITER: Joshua Dysart
ARTISTS: Matthew Clark, Alvaro Martinez, Dimi Macheras
INKS: Stefano Gaudiano
COLOR ART: Ian Hannin

Pete Stanchek has had quite the life thus far.  One of three people ever to be born as an activated Psiot, and the most powerful one of his generation, this has caused him all kinds of trouble.  His powers can be a gift just as much as they can be a burden.  His story throughout this series has been a darkly sad and highly emotional (for both the characters and the reader) ride, and one that has found him and his companions in one problem and disaster after another. Continue reading