REVIEW: ‘Captain Ultimate’ #5

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2014)

Story – Benjamin Bailey and Joey Esposito
Pencils and Inks – Boy “Boykoesh” Akkerman
Colors – Ed Ryzowski
Letters and Production – Adam O. Pruett

Captain Ultimate returns! After a break of several months, the mustachioed muscleman returns in a new adventure from Bailey and Esposito and Monkeybrain Comics.

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REVIEW: ‘Pawn Shop’ Graphic Novel

(Soup Dad Comics, 2014)

Written By Joey Esposito
Art by Sean Von Gorman
Colors by Jonathan Moore (Chap. 2-4), Sean Von Gorman (Chap. 1 and chapter breaks)
Letters by Adam Pruett
Cover by Jonathan Moore

The dedication of the book says it all. “This book is dedicated to the lonely souls haunting New York City.” Pawn Shop was a fully funded Kickstarter project in 2012 that was recently released as a complete graphic novel in February of this year. Inside writer Joey Esposito explores the interconnectedness of people and Continue reading

REVIEW: “Captain Ultimate” #2

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2013)

Review by Brad Gischia

Story – Benjamin Bailey and Joey Esposito
Pencils and Inks – Boy Akkerman
Colors – Ed Ryzowski
Letters and Production – Adam O. Pruett

Look! Up in the sky…it’s a bird…it’s a plane…it has a fantastic moustache! Captain Ultimate swoops in to save the day again, his facial hair buffeted by the wind as he takes the bad guys out. Issue 2 of Captain Ultimate is on the stands now, and promises to be more exciting that the first. Continue reading