Review: Plutona #1

(Image Comics 2015)

Story by Jeff Lemire & Emi Lenox

Script by Jeff Lemire

Art by Emi Lenox

Colors by Jordie Bellaire

Letters by Steve Wands

Every now and then a new comic book series comes along that totally knocks everything else out of the park for me on new comic book day. Plutona #1 is one such book, a brand new Image Comics super-hero series by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox, Continue reading

Review: Starve #2

(Image Comics 2015)

Created by Brian Wood, Danijel Zezelj, and Dave Stewart

Lettering and Production by Steve Wands

Class discrimination has always been a convenient screen to show the sins of the past in a futuristic setting. Films like Blade Runner and Total Recall highlighted what one man can do to change the dominant paradigm, to reset the classes in a way that is more fair and equitable for everyone. Continue reading

Review: Mythic #2

(Image Comics 2015)

Writer: Phil Hester

Art: John McCrea

Colors: Michael Spicer

While science may form the basis of our understanding of reality, it is actually little more than an illusion for humanity. Magic is the true force that makes the world go round and oils the wheels of the universe. Continue reading

REVIEW: The Humans, Vol. 1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Written by Keenan Marshall Keller
Art by Tom Neely
Colors by Kristina Collantes

Wow. What can I say about “The Humans”? It was spectacular. The adjective that kept coming to my mind when thinking about this series is “brazen.”  It felt like it was breaking rules. That is probably because of all the not so good comics I have read in my lifetime. A really good one stands out like it’s breaking the rule that comics can’t be this good. The writing and art both seemed really fresh to me, and the story had me locked in. Continue reading

REVIEW: Postal #2

(Image Comics/Top Cow, 2015)

Written by Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins
Art by Isaac Goodhart
Colors by Betsy Gonia
Letters by Troy Peteri

How do you ferret out the truth when the teller is a proven liar? Where do you turn to solve a murder in a town filled with convicted criminals? Who can you possibly believe? Continue reading

REVIEW: Descender #1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Written by Jeff Lemire
Illustrated by Dustin Nguyen

Hey everyone, I’m back with Descender by Image Comics, and I have to say this is an interesting comic. Everything about this comic – from the story telling, art, story line and so much more – is very unsettling. And that is what makes it such a good comic. Continue reading

REVIEW: Postal #1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Written by Bryan Hill and Matt Hawkins
Art by Isaac Goodhart
Colors by Betsy Gonia
Letters by Troy Peteri

When I was a kid it was easy to find the hero in the story. The guy with the tights, the girl with the lasso, the mild-mannered person who occupied nearly every frame of the book until something bad happened, and then they pulled a cape out and went to work was the good guy. The bad guy was the one who either had a sinister grin on his face, or was dangling the hero’s lady-friend or aged aunt off the edge of a building.

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REVIEW: Nameless #1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Written by Grant Morrison
Art by Chris Burnham
Colors by Nathan Fairbairn
Letters by Simon Bowland

Part of the attraction of comic books is that, for as long as I can remember, the artist and the writer both get a good deal of fame. (Colorists and Letterers are on the upswing now as well, as they should be.) It’s a symbiotic relationship that the artist and writer need each other, despite past accomplishments, to make a book work. Continue reading

REVIEW: Reyn #1

(Image Comics, 2015)

Writer: Kel Symons
Art: Nate Stockman
Colors: Paul Little
Lettering and Design: Pat Brosseau

Battles with unspeakable monsters, daring intrigue, legends, and spellbinding magic await as we enter the Land of Fate in Reyn #1, the new Image Comics fantasy adventure series, written by Kel Symons (The Mercenary Sea), with art by Nate Stockman, colors by Paul Little, and lettering and Design by Pat Brosseau. Continue reading