REVIEW: ‘Shaolin Cowboy’ #4

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Review by Jeremiah Kielman

Written by & Artwork by Geof Darrow

I love Shaolin Cowboy.  I loved the prose format I was introduced to him in, and don’t know why it’s not done more often.  Baltimore was introduced to us in the same manner, prose with pictures.  Reminds me of the old Hobbit book I had as a kid Continue reading

REVIEW: “The Shaolin Cowboy” #2

(Dark Horse, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written & Artwork by Geof Darrow
Color Artwork by Dave Stewart

This issue is a triumph in the medium of sequential art. Geof Darrow has told one of the year’s most detailed and engrossing stories without the appearance of a single printed word. Continue reading

‘Lost in the Longbox’ with Brad Gischia, Episode Two



Doc Frankenstein #3 and #4
(Burlyman Entertainment, 2005)

WRITTEN BY:  The Wachowski Brothers
CREATED BY:  Geof Darrow and Steve Skroce
ARTWORK BY:  Steve Skroce
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Jason Keith and Shannon Blanchard

Greetings from the Wasteland!

Every local comic shop has a discounted box.  Be they .50 centers or $1 books, these are the ones that never sold, that sat on the shelves past the date when their followers were long gone.  I often miss out on good books.  The beauty of the comic store is that they miss very little, and their huge back stock often forces them to sell at a discounted price just to be rid of the excess.  I imagine this is how I came by these two issues in a .50 box at the comic shop. Continue reading