Review: Guardians of the Galaxy Annual #1

(Marvel Comics, 2015)

Writer – Brian Michael Mendis
Artist – Frank Cho
Colors – Jason Keith

Let me begin this review with an apology; I am sorry if I offend, annoy or otherwise displease anyone with my gushing admiration of this book and its stellar creative team. With that out of the way, let the love fest begin, this issue has it all, huge action, intelligent humor, razor sharp wit and some of the most eye popping pages ever created by artiste extraordinaire, Frank Cho. I know this is the pinnacle of fanboyism but, hey this is why I love comic books so much. Bendis and Cho really knock this one out of the park; they take all the elements that made this summer’s GotG movie so much fun with the addition of setting the story firmly in current continuity.

The issue opens with a clever page composition featuring Star Lord bursting with kinetic energy as he quite literally leaps across the page where the rest of his teammates are depicted rather dramatically in a column of equally sized panels; Gamora gazes icily into the distance, Drax peers stoically from the page, Captain Marvel appears poised, ready for anything, Venom hangs inverted his head enters from the top of the panel and finally Groot and Rocket share a panel playing up their vastly differing statures. The page acts as an introduction, though none is needed, and sets a break-neck pace that never slows until the final panel of the issue. Continue reading

VIDEO EXCLUSIVE North Carolina Comic-Con

NC COMIC-CON (Durham, NC) Galen Garner headed to Durham, NC this past weekend for the North Carolina Comic-Con, hosted by Durham’s Ultimate Comics What started as a few tables in a mall has grown to a multi-room convention center show with big names such as Neal Adam, Daniel Way, Josh Adams, Frank Cho, Drew Blank  and many others! Watch his exclusive insight into this year’s show!

REVIEW: “Savage Wolverine” #4

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

WRITTEN BY:  Frank Cho
ARTWORK BY:  Frank Cho
LETTERING:  Cory Petit

Shanna The She-Devil lies mortally wounded upon a stretcher carried by two natives of the Savage Land. She is accompanied by a native priest and freelance science genius Amadeus Cho as they make their way across The Savage Land to an organic root formation that by all outward appearances is Man-Thing but it does not move it is rooted in place where it remains silent and still. Shanna is placed before the twisted monstrosity in a shallow grave while the priest performs a ritual incantation. Continue reading