REVIEW: ‘X-Files: Season 10’ #9

(IDW Publishing, 2014)

Written by Joe Harris
Artwork by Greg Scott
Color Artwork by Art Lyon

“I want to believe…” For so long that was the mantra of the x-fanatic. The adventures of Mulder and Scully captured the imaginations of a generation, and Chris Carter most definitely changed the face of television, as we know it. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Cryptozoic Man” #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Story by Bryan Johnson & Walter Flanagan
Written by Bryan Johnson
Pencils by Walter Flanagan
Inks by Chris Ivy
Color Artwork by Wayne Jansen

Esoteric, ethereal, supernatural; these are all words I would use to describe the second issue of the wildly imaginative and overly ambitious mini-series co- created by Comic Book Men cast members and Kevin Smith minions; Walter Flanagan and Bryan Johnson.  Unfortunately Continue reading

REVIEW: “Black Science” #1

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Matteo Scalera
Color Artwork by Dean White
Letters by Rus Wooton

I was out of breath by the time I reached the final page of Black Science #1, exhausted and elated I had just experienced sequential storytelling perfection.  Rick Remender, Matteo Scalera and Dean White have created Continue reading