Review: Klaus #5

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Grant Morrison

Illustrated by Dan Mora

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

I’ve long been a fan of Grant Morrison, when Klaus came out I made sure to review the first issue.  Retelling a classic tale comes with a certain amount of baggage, the years of preconceived notions, and also a set of crosshairs from “the INTERNET”, which is ready to jump at the first sign of weakness.  Morrison has a pedigree that is among the highest in the industry, one that would allow him a measure of bulletproofing.  He doesn’t need it. Continue reading

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #2

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Kyle Higgins

Illustrated by Hendry Prasetya

Colors by Matt Herms

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers is back, and the second issue is just as strong as the first, maybe even stronger. Jumping right in with its theme of “Who am I?” the comic starts off with Billy, the Blue Ranger, and Trini, the Yellow Ranger, working on the Dragon Zord. Continue reading

Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Writer: Kyle Higgins

Illustrator: Hendry Prasetya

Color: Matt Herms

Letterer: Ed. Dukeshire

On August 28, 1993 children all over America, including three-year-old me, sat glued in front of the television as the Power Rangers formed for the very first time. I watched the show for years and had all things Yellow Ranger. And even after I had stopped watching, the show stayed with me throughout my life, which is why I was so excited to do this review. Continue reading

Review: Robocop: Dead or Alive Vol. 2

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Writer- Joshua Williamson

Artist- Carlos Magno

Colorist- Marissa Louise

Letters- Ed Dukeshire

RoboCop is one of the quintessential ultra-violent 80’s action movies that a lot of us grew up on.  I quote it about as much as any other movie of its genre.  “Book him…he’s a cop killer.”, and you can’t forget, “The Tigers are playing… (drums the table) tonight! I never miss a game.”  Continue reading

Review: Broken World #2

(Boom! Studios 2015)

Written by Frank J. Barbiere

Illustrated by Christopher Peterson

Colors by Marissa Louise

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Frank J. Barbiere has a pretty great record in comics. His Five Ghosts was a successful Kickstarter project that proved so popular that Image Comics picked it up and made it an ongoing series. Continue reading

REVIEW: Escape from New York #1

(Boom! Studios, 2014)

Writer – Christopher Sebela
Artist – Diego Barreto
Colorist – Marissa Louise
Letterer – Ed Dukeshire

I’ve a love of post-apocalyptic fiction and prose that began long before I first read about zombie’s taking over the world.  That love was born and bred of films I loved growing up, films that took the bright and shiny future and filled it with the most loathsome buggers around, and then made those guys the heroes.  Mad MaxThe Running Man (yes, that one too), and especially Escape From New York captured the imaginations of a generation of kids who grew up with Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and thought that whatever was coming was most assuredly not going to be better.  There were sequels to some of those films, some good, some…not so good, but now, under the leadership of Boom! Studios, we’re getting another sequel, this time to a classic.

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REVIEW: ‘The Woods’, Vol.1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created & Written by James Tynion IV
Illustrated by Michael Dialynas
Color Artwork by Josan Gonzalez
Lettering by Ed Dukeshire

We’ve been taught since our youngest remembrances not to go into the woods by ourselves.  Fear of the Boogie Man, the Big Bad Wolf, or tales of the Mothman or Sasquatch have always been on hand to keep our children from wandering into the real-life dangers of the unknown. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Cloaks’ #1 (of 4)

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Caleb Monroe
Illustrated by Mariano Navarro
Color Artwork by Gabriel Cassata
Lettering by Ed Dukeshire

Summary: Adam D’Aquino is a young master of illusion who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. Sort of a modern day Robin Hood, so to speak. To many he is known simply as “The Kid” and to a few his true identity is known. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Hexed’ #1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created & Written by Michael Alan Nelson
Illustrated by Dan Mora
Colors by Gabriel Cassata
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

There is no shortage of new books.  It’s amazing to me that I spent so much time as I was growing up reading nothing but the X-Men and Superman and now, well, I can’t tell you the last time I picked up a book by either of the big two. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Woods’ #4

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created & Written by James Tynion IV
Artwork by Michael Dialynas
Color Artwork by Josan Gonzalez
Lettering by Ed Dukeshire

As a huge fan of James Tynion IV’s previous work, particularly his Batman related work and especially his collaborative efforts with Batman scribe extraordinaire, Scott Snyder, I was quite excited when I learned of the release of his more horror themed series, The Woods. Now here we are four issues into the Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Evil Empire’ #3

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created and Written by Max Bemis
Illustrated by Ransom Getty and Andrea Mutti
Colored by Chris Blythe
Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

The altered reality is a constant source of inspiration for writers.  What better way to craft a convincing story than to build it on a foundation of truth?  And some of my favorite comic stories over the years, from Marvel’s What If…? series to DC’s Elseworlds line, covered characters with changed traits because of altered history. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Big Trouble In Little China’ #2

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Story by John Carpenter and Eric Powell
Written by Eric Powell
Art by Brian Churilla
Colors by Michael Garland
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Pass me my parachute pants!  Get me a bottle of Pepsi Clear!  Eric Powell (The Goon) hauls us back to the 80’s by the headphone cord of a Sony Walkman, and drops us smack in the middle of another Jack Burton adventure. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Clive Barker’s Nightbreed’ #2

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Story by Clive Barker
Written by Marc Andreyko
Art by Piotr Kowalski
Colors by Juan Manuel Tumburus
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Remember sleepovers in the 80’s when you would stay up all night long watching films your parents wouldn’t let you at your own house, hoping that in reality none of the images would be too scary for you to handle by yourself, in your darkened bedroom, the next night?  I have one friend whose birthday landed on Friday the 13th every couple of years, and he would treat us to those very types of movies.  My introduction to horror classics like Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Empty Man’ #1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Cullen Bunn
Art by Vanesa R. Del Rey
Colors by Michael Garland
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

By page nine I was saying to myself…”What the f@#k is going on here?”  And that’s what we’ve come to expect, no to depend upon, when reading a Cullen Bunn comic book.

Bunn (The Sixth Gun) brings his own spin on a horror/contagion comic with The Empty Man, a new series from Boom! Studios. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Clockwork Angels’ #2

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Kevin J. Anderson
From a story and lyrics by Neil Peart
Illustrated by Nick Robles
Lettering by Ed Dukeshire

A month has already passed, like the tick-tocking of the proverbial (and literal) clock; it’s time to return to Albion, the world dreamt up by Neil Peart of Rush fame.  In the first issue we met Owen Hardy, the farm boy who decided to take his future in his hands and leave everything he knew and go to the city. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Evil Empire’ #2

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created and Written by Max Bemis
Illustrated by Ransom Getty
Inks by Ryan Winn
Colored by Chris Blythe
Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

I read a lot of comic books.  Most of them are not books that I’ve been reading for years, whose history has been imprinted on me from a very young age.  Most of the books I read on a monthly basis are new books from smaller studios like Boom! Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Clockwork Angels’ #1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Kevin J. Anderson
From a Story and lyrics by Neil Peart
Illustrated by Nick Robles
Lettering by Ed Dukeshire

“A single person in a perfect world is little more than an identical grain of sand or a tiny pebble alongside the road. Yet, if a grain of sand got into the eye, or a sharp pebble in a shoe, it could cause tremendous problems.” Owen Hardy is that grain of sand or sharp pebble. Welcome to the perfectly timed future of Clockwork Angels, released this week from Boom Studios. Continue reading