REVIEW: ‘Deadpool VS. X-Force’ #2

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Duane Swierczynski
Artwork by Pepe Larraz
Color Artwork by Nolan Woodard

Let’s face it no one has ever accused Deadpool of being too cerebral, in fact he can be downright goofy at times but hey that’s why we love the Merc with the Mouth so much. DP has a gift for irreverence, a knack for sarcasm and a blatant disregard for convention Continue reading

REVIEW: “X” #3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

STORY BY:  Duane Swierczynski
ARTWORK BY:  Eric Nguyen
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Michelle Madsen

Dark Horse’s recent relaunch of the tile “X” has been a good ride so far.  I was hesitant at first, as I had not read the 90’s incarnation.  I just didn’t seem interesting to me at the time.  Beginning with issue #0, the story of our mysterious ‘anti-hero’ X is one mixed with Mobsters, heavy amounts of crime, and lots and lots of bloody violence.  Sound like a rehashed idea?  Maybe in a way it is.  Whatever it may be, it works in a way I hadn’t expected.  After reading issue #0 a bit ago, I was excited for #1’s release, and had this excitement rewarded with a high quality book.  While it seemed to step away from the ultra-violence of #0 in a way, it had the needed good set up and enough action to make it a solid beginning.  The issues to come, leading us here to issue #3 – have been a little more troubled. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Bloodshot” #10

(Valiant Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Jose Sagastume

WRITER:  Duane Swierczynski
PENCILS:  Barry Kitson
INKERS:  Stefano Gaudiano with Barry Kitson

The current issue of Bloodshot picks up exactly where the last issue left off. Our hero has just freed the Psiot Children and is in the process of taking them to safety when a group of mercenaries attack him. This provides us with a really cool action sequence that not only continues to show us how deadly Bloodshot can be but also gives us a peak into the powers of some of the kids with him. Continue reading