Review: Captain Marvel and the Carol Corps #1

(Marvel Comics 2015)

Writers- Kelly Sue DeConnick & Kelly Thompson

Artist-David Lopez

Letterer VC’s Joe Caramanga

There is no disputing the fact that Carol Danvers has one heck of a loyal following and that is in large part due to the amazing character work done by long time Captain Marvel writer Kelly Sue DeConnick. Continue reading

REVIEW: Captain Marvel #10

(Marvel Comics, 2015)

Writer-Kelly Sue DeConnick
Artists-David Lopez, Marcio Takara & Laura Braga
Colors-Lee Loughridge & Nick Filardi

Kelly Sue and company celebrate the 100th solo appearance of Carol Danvers as Captain Marvel with a reflective and thought-provoking two-part story told through three of her most loyal friends in three individual but uniting parts. The first segment is told through Carol’s youngest and perhaps most staunch supporter, Kit. Lovingly dubbed Lt. Trouble, next up is Carol’s long-time comrade and fellow Avenger Jessica Drew Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Captain Marvel’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Artwork by David Lopez
Color Artwork by Lee Loughridge

If you heard a strange sound Wednesday it was probably the huge collective sigh of relief heaved by the droves of Captain Marvel fans when this book finally, actually showed up on the racks of local comic shops around the world. Continue reading