Review: Klaus #5

(Boom! Studios 2016)

Written by Grant Morrison

Illustrated by Dan Mora

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

I’ve long been a fan of Grant Morrison, when Klaus came out I made sure to review the first issue.  Retelling a classic tale comes with a certain amount of baggage, the years of preconceived notions, and also a set of crosshairs from “the INTERNET”, which is ready to jump at the first sign of weakness.  Morrison has a pedigree that is among the highest in the industry, one that would allow him a measure of bulletproofing.  He doesn’t need it. Continue reading

Review: Klaus #2

(Boom! Studios 2015)

Written by Grant Morrison

Illustrated by Dan Mora

Letters by Ed Dukeshire

Cover by Dan Mora

As the Christmas season speeds by, we need to focus on the things that were extolled in those holiday Christmas specials we all enjoyed as children.  The joy of family and friends nearby, the lopping of body parts, the wonder of Santa… Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Hexed’ #1

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created & Written by Michael Alan Nelson
Illustrated by Dan Mora
Colors by Gabriel Cassata
Letters by Ed Dukeshire

There is no shortage of new books.  It’s amazing to me that I spent so much time as I was growing up reading nothing but the X-Men and Superman and now, well, I can’t tell you the last time I picked up a book by either of the big two. Continue reading