REVIEW: ‘Avengers and X-Men: AXIS’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Rick Remender
Artwork by Adam Kubert
Color Artwork by Laura Martin
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Continuity geeks rejoice! We have finally been rewarded for all of our unyielding adherence to past events and the effects they have had collectively and individually on the Marvel Universe. Rick Remender’s big nine issue event spins directly out of the last issue of his Uncanny Avengers Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Original Sin’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Jason Aaron
Artwork by Mike Deodato Jr.
Color Artwork by Frank Martin Jr.
Lettering by Chris Eliopoulos

Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato aren’t messing around; they have hit the ground running in combat boots with the first issue of Original Sin. Mark Waid did a tremendous job of setting the stage with issue #0; not only by constructing a solid foundation for the entire event but Continue reading

REVIEW: “Infinity” #6

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Jonathan Hickman
Pencils by Jim Cheung w/ Dustin Weaver
Inking by Mark Morales w/ Dustin Weaver, Guillermo Ortego,
Dave Meikis, Jim Cheung and John Livesay
Color Artwork by Justin Ponsor w/ Ive Svorcina

Jonathan Hickman has done what many thought impossible just a few issues ago, he has flawlessly brought together all of the numerous varied plot threads introduced over the past seventeen issues that have comprised the Infinity Event Continue reading