REVIEW: ‘Magnus: Robot Fighter’ #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Writer – Fred Van Lente
Artist – Cory Smith
Colorist – Maricio Wallace
Letterer – Marshall Dillon

There’s something magical about finding a thing you like where you didn’t expect it to be. It’s happened to me at various times with films, mostly because I had Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Turok’ #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Writer – Greg Pak
Art – Mirko Colak and Cory Smith
Colorist – Lauren Affe
Letterer – Marshal Dillon

The Gold Key character Turok has been brought back to life thanks to Greg Pak and Mirko Colak, and he now he has to tangle with the toughest group of military mercenaries that ever stalked the 11th century, The Knights Templar. Continue reading

THINGS TO COME for January 2014

Things to Come for January 2014
with Kenneth Kimbrough

Welcome to 2014, the year we first get attacked by kaiju and the year when Solid Snake grows a pretty rad stache. As a part of the new year, I’m introducing a feature to the site in which I highlight new releases, reprints, relaunches and just about anything else that tickles me. All of this information can be found in the retailer catalog—PREVIEWS—which your local comic store should carry. Continue reading