‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’, Episode #22

Greetings Gothamites and fellow followers of The Bat, welcome to this week’s installment of The Weekly Bat Signal, where we delve deep into the unseemly underbelly of Gotham City to bring you all the dirt on the Dark Knight, we get to the core of The Caped Crusader or to put it a little Continue reading

REVIEW: “Batman: the Dark Knight” #25

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Zakk Saam

Written by Gregg Hurwitz
Artwork by Alex Maleev
Color Artwork by Dave McCaig
Lettering by Carlos M. Mangual

Clayface is back in Batman: The Dark Knight #25. While there seems to be an influx of Clayface stories in the past six months, this is one of the better ones in my opinion. In a story carefully crafted by Gregg Hurwitz (Vengeance of the Moon Knight, Penguin: Pain and Prejudice), Clayface has broken out of Arkham Asylum Continue reading