REVIEW: ‘Rai’ #1

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Matt Kindt
Art by Clayton Crain
Letters by Dave Panphear

The tech bug was one that didn’t bite me.  I never had a need to know how things worked, never had that wonder when looking at a computer as to how the words I typed showed on the screen.  Facebook and Twitter are a constant mystery to me.  This bewilderment with technology also seems to have extended to my interests in reading Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Translucid’ #1 (of 6)

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Written by Claudio Sanchez and Chondra Echert
Art by Daniel Bayliss
Covers by Jeff Stokely and Ming Doyle

Which reality is the one that we believe?  Is it the one where super villains plot great and intuitive schemes against those nemeses that have plagued them for their entire lives?  Or is it the one where a boy draws on lined paper in his bedroom, imagining the things he wishes he could do and creating those very villains from everyday things? Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Iron Fist: the Living Weapon’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written & Drawn by Kaare Andrews

Kaare Kyle Andrews is the kind of comicbook (one word as per Stan Lee) writer/artist I most respect; he is a fan turned creator. Andrews writes with the kind of passion that only someone truly in love with the medium could muster and he knows his continuity cold. I recently listened to an interview with Andrews on the Word Balloon podcast and it was Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Penny Palabras’ #1-3

(Self Published, 2014)

Words – James B Willard
Artwork – Patrick K Beavers

The idea of geek culture bleeding into popular culture has been discussed and debated, by comic pros at comic cons, (oh…its early in the week for puns like that, but occasionally I feel inspired) but the fact remains that we as comic collectors have the upper hand right now when it comes to entertainment. Could that result in a flood of bad things? It could, but at the same time there is a flood of good things, great ideas and comics that may not normally see the light of day are given a chance, the spotlight shines where it should.

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REVIEW: ‘Manifest Destiny’ #5

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Chris Dingess
Artwork by Matthew Roberts
Color Artwork by Owen Gieni
Lettering by Pat Brosseau

This series set the bar extremely high with a stellar first issue and has continued to raise that bar with each successive issue. Series creators Chris Dingess and Matthew Roberts’ tale of westward expansion meets supernatural horror is a truly ingenious blending of the historic and the horrible. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Half Past Danger’

(IDW Publishing, 2014)

Created, Written & Drawn by Stephen Mooney
Color Artwork (Issue #1) by Stephen Mooney
Color Artwork (Issues #2-6) by Jordie Bellaire

Half Past Danger is a book you should pick up. Really. You should stop now and go buy it. I could end the review right there, but then it wouldn’t be much of a review and my editor would stop sending me stuff and I would be out all of these wonderful comics and things…and the chance to see more work from Stephen Mooney. Continue reading