REVIEW: ‘Daredevil’ #1

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Storytellers: Mark Waid & Chris Samnee
Coloring: Javier Rodriguez
Lettering: VC’s Joe Caramagna

New York City was more than just a location in the previous runs of Daredevil; the city itself was a supporting character in many ways. It provided a lush, complex environment that often insinuated its way into the narrative much as it does in the Spider-Man mythology. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Daredevil’ #36

(Marvel Comics, 2014)

Written by Mark Waid
Artwork by Chris Samnee
Color Artwork by Javier Rodriguez
Lettering by Joe Caramagna

With one flawless issue Mark Waid has written both a perfect, poignant ending and perfect, promising beginning in the on-going Daredevil story. This issue represents closure in many areas of Matt Murdock’s life while equally illustrating the boundless potential and limitless opportunities that await Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: CORY THRALL

BEST OF 2013
with Cory Thrall

When I started this crazy thing called Bag & Bored I was looking for something to kill some time and have some fun with.  Nothing big, no readership – just silly meanderings on whatever comics I had read that week.  Consider my surprise that here we are over a year later and with quite a cast of reviewers and writers on our team.  One of the major pay-offs with this site has been Continue reading

REVIEW: “Daredevil” #32

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by: Mark Waid
Artwork by: Chris Samnee
Color Artwork by: Javier Rodriguez

Mark Waid and Chris Samnee do the monster mash in this issue of Daredevil which is a major Halloween treat however the nasty trick may be that this series is ending with issue #36. That’s right the buzz is that in just four short issues Marvel will be pulling the plug on one of its most consistently well written and engaging comic books being produced today. Continue reading

‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’ with Shawn Warner, Episode 6

Greetings fellow Gothamites, I had to leave our fair city of Gotham for the even darker and deadlier streets of Baltimore, just for a weekend to attend the 14th annual Baltimore Comic-Con. I hope you read and enjoyed the report of my exploits on the convention floor. It was a blast, I met so many great creators and vendors but we are here to speak of all things Batman. This episode is going to focus Continue reading

REVIEW: “Daredevil” #30

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by John Monaghan

WRITTEN BY:  Mark Waid
ARTWORK BY:  Chris Samnee
COLOR ARTWORK BY:  Javier Rodriguez
LETTERING BY:  VC’s Joe Caramanga

Firstly, a little context:  I’ve never liked Daredevil. It’s probably not something I can really justify. A mixture of bad timing and my personal tastes while growing up dictated that any time I dipped into Daredevil I was left cold. Continue reading