REVIEW: ‘COMICS #5: WKRP in Cincinnati’

(Levity Biographies, 2014)

Writer – Chad Lambert
Illustrators – Particio Carbajal and Apriyadi Kusbiantoro
Colorist – Rodney Fyke
Letterer – Jaymes Reed

Nostalgia is a player at the table of geek culture.  How many times do we watch a movie and groan a little at how much we liked it and how bad it really is?  I’ve refused to read books that I previously loved just on the off chance that it might be much worse than I remember and therefore ruin it for me now.  You can never downplay the nostalgia factor when checking something new out. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘The Revisionist: 10 Years Gone’

(Old School Comics, 2014)

The Revisionist: 10 Years Gone The DWP Collection
Writer – Chad Lambert
Art – Roberto Corona, Steve Powell, Jeremy Freeman, Jean-Paul DeShong, Nadir Balan, Ryan Scott
Colors – Michael Langdale, Roni Setiwan
Letters – Jaymes Reed, Kel

It’s time to start collecting web comics.  For a guy who treasured his He-Man action figures, who remembers seeing VHS for the first time and thinking they “look all long and weird” compared to our Beta Max, this is a sign of the passage of time.   I’m getting to an age where I feel like I can start to appreciate the times when my parents wonder at the new developments in technology. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Kill Me’ #1-3

(Dark Horse Comics, 2014)

Kill Me 1-3
Collected in Dark Horse Presents #31-#33

Writer – Chad Lambert
Artist – Christine Larsen
Letterer – Jaymes Reed

Everyone can look back on a past event and wish it had turned out differently. Most of the ones that really tug at the emotional heartstrings are those in which we behaved poorly. (It seems for me that the blue and yellow lockers of my high school’s hallways frame nearly all of these.) There is always a moment when we can be more compassionate to others and for whatever reason choose not to be.

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