Review: The Adventures of Archer and Armstrong #1

(Valiant 2016)

Writer – Rafer Roberts

Penciler – David Lafuente

Inker – Ryan Winn

Colorist – Brian Reber

Letterer – Dave Lanphear

I’ve heard for years about how great Valiant comics are.  For a kid who grew up in the 80’s, and who learned to love comics “the Marvel way”, these books were always ones that I bypassed.  It wasn’t anything agains the books themselves, it was just a preconceived notion that big two books were better.  In later years, I found that there were other companies that were making good books, sometimes great books.  And now we’ve come to a time when the market share, though by no means equal, has begun to tip in the favor of indie books.  Continue reading

REVIEW: Imperium #1

(Valiant Entertainment, 2015)

Written by Joshua Dysart
Art by Doug Braithwaite
Colors by Brian Reber and Dave McCaig
Letters by Dave Sharpe

Being from a small town, the comics that mainly found my dollar were from the big 2. Once I got older and actually started going to comics shops, it was hard to turn away from those familiar titles and characters, to take a chance on a company that I didn’t recognize, whose books looked so different from what I grew up on. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Harbinger’ #20

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Joshua Dysart
Artwork by Clayton Henry
Color Artwork by Brian Reber

Welcome to “Resistance”.  Leave your secrets at the door.

Over the course of its current run, ‘Harbinger’ has had a very strong ‘Us vs. Them’ vibe.  What began as a simple tale of the possible-hero/maybe-saviour escaping the hard confines of Toyo Harada’a teachings at his Harbinger Foundation has, over time, become so much more.  The vibe remains but it has focused Continue reading

REVIEW: “Bloodshot” #10

(Valiant Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Jose Sagastume

WRITER:  Duane Swierczynski
PENCILS:  Barry Kitson
INKERS:  Stefano Gaudiano with Barry Kitson

The current issue of Bloodshot picks up exactly where the last issue left off. Our hero has just freed the Psiot Children and is in the process of taking them to safety when a group of mercenaries attack him. This provides us with a really cool action sequence that not only continues to show us how deadly Bloodshot can be but also gives us a peak into the powers of some of the kids with him. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Shadowman” #6

(Valiant Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Jose Sagastume

WRITER:  Justin Jordan
ARTISTS: Patrick Zircher, Lee Garbett,
and Neil Edwards
COLOR ARTWORK: Brian Reber & Guy Major

Issue 6 of Shadowman starts off immediately where we last left of with Master Darque and Baron Samedi coming to an agreement; in exchange for power the aging and almost forgotten god must kill Shadowman. Meanwhile on Earth Shadowman and Alyssa stop a group that is kidnapping children and using their nightmares to create an expensive drug called Soma.  At the same time we find out that Dr. Mirage has come in search of Dox to deliver a warning, but is it too late? Continue reading