Review: The Walking Dead: The Alien

(Panel Syndicate-2016)

Writer- Brian K Vaughan

Artist- Marcos Martin

It all started on Twitter in March of 2015.  Robert Kirkman, the creator of the insanely popular The Walking Dead had a question for writer, Brian K Vaughan, “Can Image print a collection of The Private Eye yet? C’mon!”. Continue reading

Bag and Bored’s ‘Best of 2013’: KENNETH KIMBROUGH

BEST OF 2013
with Kenneth Kimbrough

As the year closes, it’s time to reflect on the different things that made it great and the other things that made it not so great. I tend to frown on the word “best” mostly because I majored in philosophy and I’m pretentious. So let’s just consider this more or less a “Favorites of 2013” list. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Saga” #15

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by: Brian K. Vaughan
Artwork by: Fiona Staples
Lettering by: Fonographiks

Please indulge me while I state the glaringly obvious, Saga is one of the most brilliant comic books ever conceived by human mind and executed by human hand. The key word here being human because that is what makes this book so captivating and gratifying issue after issue Continue reading

REVIEW: “Saga” #14

(Image Comics, 2013)

Review by Franco Romualdez

Words: Brian K. Vaughan
Art: Fiona Staples

Flying sharks! Saga, you’ve done it again.

Saga #14 picks up right where #13 left off, as is the case with more comics. I’m going to keep that first sentence in this review for one reason, and that is because it’s so stupid/obvious an observation that it’s funny.

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