Column: How I Survived Baltimore Comicon 2016

By Shawn Warner

     The count down before Comic Con is always a super anxious time for me, I begin checking my email for updates more frequently, checking the ever-growing list of guests for my favorite creators and deciding which of the many, varied and enlightening panels I will be covering for the site. This is just business as usual, not only for covering the event but, enjoying all the aspects of the show as a fan and collector. Of course I am talking about shopping! Filling in those runs, finding those elusive issues waiting there, hidden within the depths of the dollar boxes and perusing the walls of key issues and first appearances that tower above the milling masses of cosplayers and collectors like monuments erected to the Comic Book Gods with names like Kirby, Claremont, Adams and Ditko, Steranko, Infantino and Lee. Continue reading

B&B Special Report: Baltimore Comic Con 2015

Okay it has been almost a week since Comic Con took over downtown Baltimore and all us who braved the entire three-day extravaganza have had time to reflect and recover.  This year was perhaps the biggest event yet; certainly there was an increased Hollywood presence as Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D and Arrow cast members attracted droves of fans seeking autographs, photos and a brush with celebrity. Continue reading

Baltimore Comic Con 2014: Vendors and Cosplayers

Vendors and Cosplayers: In the Trenches at Baltimore Comic Con 2014
By Shawn Warner

A major part of any convention is the show floor, sure lots of important panels, keynote speeches and endless informative programs are held in the meeting rooms and large ballrooms of the convention center, but the rank and file of vendors, fans and cosplayers can be found on the show floor making deals, finding that elusive issue that completes a favorite run or Continue reading

Baltimore Comic Con 2014: A Brief Overview of Comic Book Bliss

Baltimore Comic Con 2014: A Brief Overview of Comic Book Bliss

by Shawn Warner

Friday, September 5th was the first of three magical days devoted as they were to all things comic book related; the 2014 Baltimore Comic Con opened and transformed the city into a sequential art inspired utopia. I was joined by my good friend Matt Seal who served as my right hand for all three days Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Red Lanterns’ #27

(DC Comics, 2014)

Written by Charles Soule
Artwork by Alessandro Vitti, Jim Calafiore
Color Artwork by Gabe Eltaeb
Lettering by Dave Sharpe

Charles Soule is without a doubt the hardest working man in comics. He is certainly prolific but more impressive than the sheer volume of his creative output is the quality of the work he produces. Soule is impossible to classify as any one type of writer because his work Continue reading

REVIEW: “Swamp Thing” #26

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Charles Soule
Artwork by Jesus Saiz
Color Artwork by Matthew Wilson
Lettering by Travis Lanham

When I first heard that Charles Soule was going to be following Scott Snyder on Swamp Thing I wasn’t very familiar with his work and being a huge fan of Snyder’s, I maintained a wait and see attitude.  I honestly didn’t expect Continue reading

REVIEW: “Cryptozoic Man” #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Story by Bryan Johnson & Walter Flanagan
Written by Bryan Johnson
Pencils by Walter Flanagan
Inks by Chris Ivy
Color Artwork by Wayne Jansen

Esoteric, ethereal, supernatural; these are all words I would use to describe the second issue of the wildly imaginative and overly ambitious mini-series co- created by Comic Book Men cast members and Kevin Smith minions; Walter Flanagan and Bryan Johnson.  Unfortunately Continue reading