REVIEW: ‘Evil Empire’ #2

(BOOM! Studios, 2014)

Created and Written by Max Bemis
Illustrated by Ransom Getty
Inks by Ryan Winn
Colored by Chris Blythe
Lettered by Ed Dukeshire

I read a lot of comic books.  Most of them are not books that I’ve been reading for years, whose history has been imprinted on me from a very young age.  Most of the books I read on a monthly basis are new books from smaller studios like Boom! Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Harbinger’ #20

(Valiant Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Joshua Dysart
Artwork by Clayton Henry
Color Artwork by Brian Reber

Welcome to “Resistance”.  Leave your secrets at the door.

Over the course of its current run, ‘Harbinger’ has had a very strong ‘Us vs. Them’ vibe.  What began as a simple tale of the possible-hero/maybe-saviour escaping the hard confines of Toyo Harada’a teachings at his Harbinger Foundation has, over time, become so much more.  The vibe remains but it has focused Continue reading