Review: Army of Darkness: Furious Road

(Dynamite 2016)

Writer: Nancy A Collins

Art: Kewber Baal

Colors: Schimerys Baal

Letters: Simon Bowland

Cover A: Tyler Crook / Colors: Vinicius Andrade

Cover B: Gabriel Hardman / Colors: Jordan Boyd

Cover C: Francesco Francavilla

Cover D: Rony Fleecs

Subscription Cover E: Robert Hack 

The iconic square-jawed demon-killing hero Ash is back, as Dynamite Entertainment brings us the latest chapter in its flagship saga: Army of Darkness Furious Road. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Ash and the Army of Darkness’ Annual #1

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2014)

Written by Shannon Eric Denton
Art by Nacho Tenorio
Colors by Isa Santiago
Letters by Bill Tortolini
Cover by Dennis Calero

I grew up on The Army of Darkness. Along with Mel Brooks movies, it was one that I could quote at random and was constantly dropping phrases from into conversation. (Needless to say “gimme some sugar baby” didn’t get a lot of positive response…must’ve been a context thing.) Sam Raimi’s third in the Evil Dead trilogy has always been one of my favorites.

Continue reading

REVIEW: “Ash and the Army of Darkness” #2

(Dynamite Entertainment, 2013)

Review by Cory Thrall

Written by Steve Niles
Artwork by Dennis Calero
Letters by Marshall Dillon

I’m normally not one to get into movie/television/video game based comics.  They almost always feel like they have no real connection to the source material other than by name and characters alone.  There have been the exceptions to this rule and Continue reading