‘The Weekly Bat-Signals’ with Shawn Warner, Episode 18

Season’s Greetings fellow Gothamites. There is nothing quite like Christmas in Gotham; the snow covered city takes on a picturesque charm worthy of any Hallmark holiday special, even the usually imposing gothic architecture and grounds of Arkham are somehow transformed into a whimsical winter wonderland when dusted with a frosty coating of shimmering snow. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Forever Evil: Arkham War” #2

(DC Comics, 2013)

Review by Shawn Warner

Written by Peter J. Tomasi
Pencils by Scot Eaton
Inks by Jaime Mendoza
Color Artwork by Andrew Dalhouse

This second issue of the Arkham War mini-series picks up a bit of speed but still contains quite a bit of set-up. Peter J. Tomasi is taking the slow burn approach to this narrative, meticulously building the story at a pace that allows for more detailed characterizations while still driving the plot forward. Continue reading