REVIEW: ‘BOO!’ (Vol.2) #1

(Monkeybrain Comics, 2014)

Written by RJ White, Dylan Todd, Leonard Pierce, Jan Morris, Delilah Dawson, Chris Sims, Ken Lowery, Manning Krull, Sean Pappe, Scott Faulkner, and Benito Cereno
Art by Kelly Tindall, Matt Digges, Pete Toms, Gloria Reynolds, Adam Watson, Matt Smigel, Joel Carroll, Matthew Allen Smith, Andy Hirsch, Shawn McGuan, Manning Krull, Sean Pappe, Erica Henderson, Scott Faulkner, and Jordan Witt

Halloween was just upon us, and along with scary movies, trick or treating, and the occasional summer camp hack n’ slash, we turn our thoughts to holiday-themed television shows and more importantly, comics. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘In The Dark: A Horror Anthology’

(Tiny Behemoth Press & IDW Publishing, 2014)

Edited by Rachel Deering

Writers – (in order of appearance) Cullen Bunn, Justin Jordan, Rachel Deering, Michael Moreci, Steve Seeley, Mike Oliveri, Steve Niles, Tim Seeley, Christopher Sebella, Tom Taylor, James Tynion IV, Duane Swiercynski, Matthew Down Smith, F. Paul Wilson, Scott Snyder, Sean E. Williams, Brian Keene, Jody Leheup, Nate Southard, Thomas Boatwright, Ed Brisson, Paul Tobin, Valerie D’Orazio, and Marguerite Bennett Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘InSanity, AZ’ Collection

(The Quad-Shot, 2013)

Created by Michael Drace Fountain, Marcel Losada,
James Ninness, and Joe Pezzula
Artwork by Various
Colors & Lettering by Ben Gilbert
Designed by Shannon Forey

Horror comics come and go with the ages. In the 50’s EC did it’s very best to entrance the children of America all the while making their parents blanche at the images contained therein. Later there were the somewhat tamer horror comics of the Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Monster Massacre II’

(Titan Comics, 2014)

Written by Various
Artwork by Various
Edited by Dave Elliot

*Suggested for a mature audience…and they ain’t lyin’.

For a long time I didn’t know what kind of music I liked. (Keep reading, this is actually going somewhere in the realm of comics.) I blame my grandpa for this, and not in a bad way. When I was a kid he would wake us with marching band music. Nothing rouses you out of bed at 6 a.m. like the dulcet tones of John Phillip Sousa or K.L. King. Continue reading

BRAIN TRUST: Following Monkeybrain Comics, Episode 1

I’ve noticed in past months that small publisher Monkeybrain Comics has been putting out comics at a rate that seems almost unreal. To keep up with the constant, high-end output of this indie powerhouse, we here at are going to try out a feature here that will cover recent comics. For the inaugural piece, I’ve got three title, five books total, to run through with you, faithful reader. No matter what your feeling on indie comics as a whole, I’ve found that Monkeybrain is constantly at the top of its game. Continue reading