2ComicNerds Review of ‘Age of Ultron’ Event



The amazing video review team of AJ and Lee – otherwise known as 2ComicNerds – are back and once again we have the video to share with you!  After watching, don’t forget to visit their YouTube channel, where you can find a ton of more awesome video reviews like this one!  We are proud to be sharing this video, and we want to give huge thanks to AJ and Lee for being so cool and letting us spread the goodness!

You can find their YouTube channel here:  https://www.youtube.com/user/2ComicNerds

Okay!  Here’s the duo reviewing not only “Age of Ultron” #10, but the whole series, as well!  Enjoy :)

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REVIEW: “Age of Ultron” #2

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Chris Ambrosio

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Illustrator: Bryan Hitch
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort

Hey guys I’m back with a review of Age of Ultron issue #2!

I reviewed this issue quite quickly because I am working on a very large review coming sometime next week a double issue review on issues #16 and #17 of Deathstroke. Hope you guys like a little Slade Wilson.

The first astonishing issue of Age of Ultron left the readers with many unanswered questions, which we find out the protagonists and supporting characters are pondering themselves. Ultron’s extreme onslaught brings on a feel that is like no other we have seen before. Continue reading

REVIEW: “Age of Ultron” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

Review by Chris Ambrosio

Writer: Brian Michael Bendis
Illustrator: Bryan Hitch
Colors: Paul Mounts
Letters: Cory Petit
Editor: Tom Brevoort

I’m new to Bag and Board so go easy on me now guys, this is also my first review, you can say I’m a nooby. I’ve been looking forward to reading Age of Ultron for quite some time now, ever since I’ve read “Age of Ultron coming soon” in the back of The Avengers, AU free comic in May of 2011 issue #0.1, yeah I’ve been kinda sitting on the edge of my seat waiting or this block buster of a miniseries. Continue reading

VIDEO REVIEW: “Age of Ultron” #1

(Marvel Comics, 2013)

We here at Bag & Bored are more than excited to announce a partnership with the video reviewers over at 2ComicNerds, who have a wonderful YouTube channel where they do regular reviews, so be sure to check that out, as well!  Here we have them reviewing “Age of Ultron” #1, in wait of issue #2, out this coming Wednesday, March 13th.  Here’s what they had to say, and be sure to check out their channel, linked below the video.  We hope you enjoy!



Their YouTube channel can be found here:  www.youtube.com/user/2ComicNerds?feature=watch

You can reach the team on Twitter:  @2ComicNerds