REVIEW: ‘Undertow’ #2

(Image Comics, 2014)

Writer: Steve Orlando
Artist/Cover A: Artyom Trakhanov
Letter/Designer: Thomas Mauer
Cover B: Aaron Conley

Undertow is back! And I’m so glad it is. I was so happy to see that most of my concerns with Issue #1 have been fixed and we are able to just enjoy the awesomeness that is this comic. Continue reading

REVIEW: ‘Undertow’ #1

(Image Comics, 2014)

Written by Steve Orlando
Artwork by Artyom Trakhanov
Lettering/Design by Thomas Hauer

So I’ve been staring and staring at Undertow #1, and reader, I honestly have no idea where to go with this review. The concept of this comic is vast, grand, and well, awesome – but the Continue reading